Suggest as to how to cure high blood sugar?

Natural remedies for high blood sugar

Consuming the leaves of the tree called Butea reduces high blood sugar and is useful for the condition where there is a presence of a large amount of glucose in urine.

If you have high blood sugar due to heredity or obesity factors, the leaves of fully grown 'curry patta' will prove very beneficial. It has weight reducing properties and with the decrease in weight, you will stop passing sugar in urine. Eat 10 fresh leaves every morning for a period of 3 months continuously.

Soak 2 tsp of fenugreek seeds in 1 cup of water at night and strain and drink the liquid in the morning. You can also swallow these seeds with water on an empty stomach immediately after getting up in the morning everyday. You can also powder these seeds and add to your milk or boil it in water and drink it as tea.

Mix 1 tbsp of the juice of Indian Gooseberry with 1 cup of the juice of bitter gourd and drink it daily for 2 months. It has high vitamin C content and it stimulate the pancreas and enable it to secret insulin. This helps in reducing the blood sugar level. Mix equal quantities of powdered indian gooseberry, black berry fruit and bitter gourd and take 1 tbsp of this mixture twice a day.

answered by D D

Home Cure for High Blood Sugar

High blood sugar can be effectively and naturally treated with various home remedies. Following are some of popular home cures for high blood sugar:

  • Jamun, Indian gooseberry and Margosa are good herbs for reducing high blood sugar. These natural herbs hold the power of repairing pancreas that functions to produce insulin.
  • Bitter gourd and fenugreek seeds also have the power to lower blood sugar levels.
  • Mixture of onion and garlic if consumed daily can help in lowering blood sugar levels.
  • Decoction of blueberry leaves can also be effective in reducing the level of blood sugar. Stevia is a naturally sweet plant but can be used as a replacement for sugar. This sweet plant is a natural cure for high blood sugar as this helps in improving the efficiency of insulin.
  • Turmeric and cinnamon are the most effective spices that help in cutting down extra sugar present in the body.
  • Drink grape fruit juice.
  • Soak few almonds in water and leave it overnight. Consume the soaked almonds in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • A mixture of basil leaves, margosa leaves and belpatras when consumed along with water on an empty stomach helps in controlling the sugar level.
  • Soyabean, containing proteins, iron, calcium, fiber and Vitamin A, is an effective remedy for regulating the blood sugar levels.

answered by J

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