What is the natural cure for sore veins?

Sore veins of the feet are associated with enlarged and twisted veins. This condition is referred to as varicose veins. Pain and discomfort are the typical symptoms. Burning, throbbing, swelling and muscle cramping are seen to occur in varicose veins. Skin ulcers occurring near the ankle and itching around the veins are the other symptoms. Flow of blood to the heart against gravity is difficult in old age, due to the loss of elasticity of the veins. Accumulation of deoxygenated blood, results in enlargement of the veins. The veins appear blue in colour, due to the deoxygenated blood in it. Compression stockings are of great help. They help in enhancing the circulation and helping in faster movement of blood. The type and brand of stockings determine the type of compression. Well fitted socks are opted for. Home remedies are available. A physician's guidance is recommended, before practicing the same. Maintenance of weight is vital. Avoid performing acts that involve long hours of leg movement, such as driving a car. Take a break and stretching exercises are performed. Fibre rich foods are healthy and recommended. Sarvangasana is very effective for varicose veins. Lie on the back near a wall and lift your legs in the air with the wall as a support. Bring the legs down, parallel to the floor and balance your back with your hands. Placing the legs in an elevated position proves beneficial. Regular exercises with a brisk walk are equally helpful in strengthening the veins.

answered by Dr C

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