I heard if you soak garlic in red wine vinegar it would lower high blood pressure is that true

There are many risk factors associated with heart disease and the Western lifestyle appears to a key factor in whether or not a person will have heart symptoms. Garlic has multiple beneficial actions that give it a reputation in preventing heart disease and this is due to its allicin content.

high blood pressure is merely a part of the overall group of symptoms known as heart disease; and garlic addresses many risk factors in dealing with the health of your heart.

I would advise that you look to a garlic tablet that has an enteric coating, allowing the tablet to be absorbed in the more alkaline areas of the small intestine. This is because the gastric acids in the stomach inhibit, allinase, the enyme that converts alliin to allicin. Without this conversion, the beneficial action of Garlic is inhibited.

So to address whether you should soak Garlic in red wine vinegar, I would have to say no due to the acidic nature of vinegar only - but it is true that Garlic will assist in lowering your blood pressure. Garlic may interact with any blood thinning medications you are taking and should be discontinued at least one week before surgery if you are taking Garlic tablets regularly.

answered by L W

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