Natural cures to treat bronchopneumonia

what is the best home remedy to treat a patient with broncho pneumonia?

Bronchopneumonia is particular type of localized pneumonia. It is often restricted to the bronchioles and surrounding alveoli. The symptoms of bronchopneumonia may include coughing, fever, chills, chest congestion and pain, difficulty in breathing and coughing out blood-streaked mucus. Bronchopneumonia can also be a complication of asthma.

The basic and simple home remedies that can be followed for this disease may help in providing relief. But if you do not see a significant change within a week, it is advisable to seek medical help and follow a proper medicinal procedure; otherwise this may further complicate your case.

Garlic is a highly effective home remedy for getting rid of the problem. Pure oil of holy basil is also an excellent medicinal remedy. You can apply this to your chest area for soothing relief. Sesame seeds can be toasted and crushed and sprinkled over any kind of food. This would be a very good way to get rid of excessive congestion. Fresh vegetable juice is an excellent remedy for curing bronchopneumonia. Red pumpkin, carrots, spinach, garlic and onions are good examples of the vegetables that you should consume more. Rub some turpentine oil on the ribs and wrap a warm piece of flannel over it. This will provide warmth. Sipping white tea made with crushed ginger added to it is also very helpful.

answered by M W

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