I have thick itching skin on palms of both hands as well as small pits on my finger nails. Any natural remedied?

  • Soak your hands in warm plain water. The water will get absorbed by dry hands. Dry your hands. Apply vegetable oil on hands.
  • At bedtime, apply few drops of glycerin and lemon juice on hands. Massage gently.
  • Try to avoid use of soaps. It dries your hands.
  • Apply cold milk on hands. Let it dry. The inflammatory properties of milk give relief from itching.
  • Antibacterial benefits of honey works. Apply honey on hands for few minutes. Wash your hands.
  • Yogurt can be used as a moisturizer for hands.

Normally it a deficiency of calcium, Zinc or vitamins. It may be psoriasis, eczema or alopecia areata. In general there are different remedies for psoriasis, eczema, alopecia areata. Some common remedies are-

  • Do not use soap frequently.
  • Apply avocado oil on the nails.
  • If it is a simple pit it will grow with the nail and can be dropped when you cut your nail. For nail care you can apply mixture of almond oil and honey. Keep it overnight on hands and nails.
  • Increase the intake of vitamins, calcium in your food.

answered by R S

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