Do you have any good advice and remedies for excess saliva in the mouth?

Excessive mouth saliva is quite a common occurrence in many people and is hardly ever serious. However, it can be a very embarrassing problem, due to which a person may be forced to avoid talking in front of others. The medical term for excessive saliva in children or adults, is sialorrhea or ptyalism. There are some people who manage to control the excessive saliva production within the mouth; however, others may not be very successful at doing so and this is when one of the most common symptoms of excess saliva, i.e., drooling, is seen. Although many people refer to excessive saliva production as a condition, it is more like a symptom of an underlying disease. However, it is also very common for women to face the problem of excessive saliva during pregnancy. Therefore, as soon as the symptoms of this condition is seen, it is best to undergo a physical checkup, or at least consult to doctor to identify what the possible excess saliva causes could be.

Excessive Saliva Production Causes

There could be several factors that lead to the excessive saliva production in children and adults. Given below are some of the most common causes of excessive saliva production:

  • Use of certain medication
  • Arsenic poisoning
  • Syphilis, a bacterial infection that spreads through sexual contact
  • Tumors in the lips or the tongue which interfere with movement
  • Hormonal changes, especially when it comes to excessive saliva production in pregnancy
  • Down syndrome
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Bell's palsy, which leads to weakness in the facial muscles, or even paralysis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Ill-fitting dentures, especially in the case of older people
  • Mercury poisoning
  • Acute sinusitis or chronic sinusitis
  • Infections in the mouth or an inflammation in the mucus membrane
  • Rabies
  • Allergies
  • Teething, which is the most common cause of excessive saliva production in children
  • Abscesses in the mouth, or broken teeth
Several health experts also claim that there is a correlation between sore throat and excessive saliva. While the extra saliva in the mouth is not really serious, it is important to consult a doctor and identify its cause, just to rule out the possibility of an underlying condition. However, in order to avoid being embarrassed in front of others, there are several people who choose to go in for excessive saliva production treatment too.


The treatment of the problem will depend to a great extent on the factors that are causing it. There are certain drugs that can be prescribed for reducing the production of saliva in the mouth. However, it is absolutely essential for people to use such drugs carefully and in the right doses, as they could cause the mouth to get excessively dry. If it is identified that the use of certain drugs is responsible for the problem, then the doctor may advise the patient to switch over to alternate medication. Moreover, excessive saliva during pregnancy cure is generally not required after the first trimester, due to the fact that the problem is generally curbed by then. In case of problems in the mouth, like blisters, abscesses or broken teeth, the excess saliva will reduce once the main problem is addressed. In fact in most cases addressing the cause of the excess salivation will get rid of the problem too. For example, in case of sore throat excessive salivation, home remedies for relieving the sore throat should also control its symptoms, which in this case, happen to include the production of extra saliva in the mouth.  

Therefore, before opting for any type of treatment for excessive saliva, it is important to consult a doctor and identify the main cause for the problem.

answered by G M

Excessive salivation is also known as Sialorrhea. This is a very difficult condition to treat and it is important to ascertain the cause of the condition before you can attempt treatment. Excessive saliva in mouth may be caused due to oral inflammation or a neurological disease. These are also often caused due to toxic exposure or the side effects of medications.

Since excessive saliva causes should ideally be determined before treatment is attempted, a doctor should be consulted. However, mild cases of excessive salivation can be treated with some simple home remedies.

The simplest of excessive saliva remedies is to get a full dental checkup. If there is any inflammation or infection in the mouth, it should be treated as soon as possible. If the excessive salivation is being caused due to medication, ask your doctor for alternative medicines that will not have this side effect. Removing enlarged tonsils, can also help treat excessive salivation.

A scopolamine patch can inhibit the chemical messenger which helps stimulate salivation. These medications help you deal with the salivation problem. You may get some blurred vision and constipation as side effects of this condition. Some people use acupuncture as an alternative to medical treatment for excessive salivation. If these remedies do not work, you may have to get surgery or radiation therapy.

answered by A S

Is it due to braces that I get more saliva in my mouth?

There are a lot of different causes for excess saliva production and wearing braces or retainers is one of them. When we put any foreign object in our mouth, the mouth is bound to have some kind of reaction. Most often, the braces and the retainers take up an unusual amount of space in the mouth, triggering the release of chemicals which cause excessive salivation.

This excessive saliva production can be stopped by wearing better fitted retainers or braces, which not only serve their purpose in a more efficient manner, but also prevent you from producing too much saliva in the mouth. A returning under bite and anatomical anomalies in your mouth and jaw are also causes of salivation. Interestingly enough, most people get braces and retainers to solve this problem of excessive salivation.

Bad fitting dentures may also cause excessive salivation. The best way to deal with this kind of salivation is to get your braces mended or get better fitting dentures. Without these, you may keep salivating and it could be both inconvenient as well as embarrassing. If you bite your nails or suck on pens, that too could cause salivation when coupled with ill-fitting braces, retainers, and dentures, so avoid such behavior.

answered by G R

Cures for excess saliva during pregnancy?

Pregnancy may cause excess saliva production in women. This is a condition caused due to excessive hormones in the body. Due to this condition, the woman may have to spit continuously. This can be really difficult and extremely annoying as well.

Here are some excess saliva treatment methods for pregnant women. The best and most efficient way of reducing the amount of saliva that you produce is to suck on a lime. Cut a lime into thick slices and suck on one whenever you feel that you are producing a lot of saliva in your mouth.

Another way to deal with your saliva problems is to give some thought to your diet. Try and consume a diet which is low in fat as well as sugary foods. Sugar tends to increase the production of chemicals that cause salivation. Minimizing your intake of sweets and carbonated drinks can help you in a lot of ways.

Grind some coffee beans and put the powder under your tongue. The ground coffee absorbs the saliva and keeps your mouth dry. However, coffee may cause a bitter taste in your mouth, so if you are not especially fond of coffee, avoid putting it under your tongue.

answered by A S

What are the causes of excessive drooling in babies?

Babies drool all the time. In fact, almost all of us know how much babies can drool. Unfortunately, there is nothing cute about being slobbered over all the time and while you may not have a problem with your baby drooling, it can be somewhat inconvenient.

Growing babies usually drool because they are not able to control their bodily functions. As they grow up, they are able to be in better control of their secretions. Any normal child only drools during the waking hours. Baby excessive saliva can be seen only when the child is awake. Since choking on saliva can be fatal, children naturally do not drool when they are sleeping.

Though excessive drooling in babies is normal, sometimes the drooling may be abnormal. When the symptoms of excessive salivation are simply too much, you may need to consult a doctor. Some of the causes of this kind of drooling include allergic rhinitis, structural anomalies in the mouth, enlarged tonsils, swallowing of foreign bodies which may be stuck in the throat, ingestion of caustic items of food which cause salivation, a condition known as epiglottitis, teething, tooth decay, nasal polypus, nasal polyps, and oral trauma. Bacterial and viral infections may also cause excessive salivation in babies.

answered by G M

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