Treatment for curing sore throat, earache and headache

I have a sore throat, ear ache, and a headache. What can be used to treat this?

Follow these simple remedies for your sore throat, headache and earache.

  • Warm water gargles with added salt help a lot to treat sore throat. Do it every 3 hours especially before going to bed.
  • Boil ½ tsp fresh turmeric or turmeric powder and a pinch of salt in a cup of cow's milk. Drink this twice daily.
  • Drink hot vegetable soups or chicken broths as this would also help to soothe your throat.
  • The best way to turn a headache off is to sleep and relax in a dark room until it subsides.
  • Massage his temples firmly in circular motion to feel relief.
  • Don't starve for long eat small frequent meals to prevent headaches.
  • Apply warm moist heat compress around the ear that is in pain. This will help give immediate relief. For convenience you can place a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel as a pillow while sleeping.
  • Heat olive oil, put few drops in the ear with the help of a dropper while it's warm.
  • Put cotton plugs or wear a scarf before stepping out in open air.

answered by S P

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