Burn natural remedies: My burn is open, the skin has come off. Can I still apply the honey or aloe vera to it? (2) - Apr 6, 2010 Alternative treatment for burns You can safely apply honey or aloe vera to your burn even once the skin has come off. By this you probably mean that the blister has burst and the burn wound is now open...
Treatment for High Fever: Fever up to 104 motrin not helping what else can we try? (1) - Apr 6, 2010 Depending upon the age and otherwise condition of the person who is suffering, there are few options. The very first one is of course to go to a medical emergency room...
Abnormal Menstrual Cycle: What would be the possible causes of bi-weekly periods. Not spotting. Thank you. (1) - Apr 6, 2010 It is unclear what you mean when you say bi-weekly periods. It could refer to either periods once in two weeks or periods twice a week...
Natural Cure for Menstrual Cycle Delay: Remedy for ceased menstruation (1) - Apr 6, 2010 If you are suffering from ceased menstruation after the age of 45, this is completely normal and absolutely nothing to worry about. In a normal female human being, the menstrual cycle begins to slow down after the age of 40 years...
Tooth Extraction Care: What supplements will help my mouth and gums heal after my teeth are pulled (1) - Apr 6, 2010 Getting your teeth pulled is one of the most painful and excruciating things you can possibly suffer from. You are advised to look for an alternative procedure if you have not already gone through with it...
Treatment of Bone Spurs: Have a bone spur in spine. At t8 t9, it is pressing on nerves. And giving me pain from just under my right shoulder blade and it go all the way around my side to the front. How do I get rid of it? (1) - Apr 6, 2010 A bone spur is basically an extra bony growth that forms on the normal bone. This formation usually takes place when the body tries to repair or rejuvenate itself by developing extra bone...
Baby Teething Pain Relief: Teething relief (1) - Apr 5, 2010 Sometimes it becomes almost impossible to provide teething relief to infants. This seems to be particularly true when they are suffering from this problem the worst...
Natural Immune Boosters: Please give me a list of foods that would boost white blood cell count, especially during chemo. (1) - Apr 5, 2010 In order to boost white blood cell count, there is no specific food that needs to be taken. Instead, it would be better to focus on food that will help towards improving your general immunity levels...
Common Cold Treatments: After bad cold I have lost all taste in the mouth. Now it is 8 days what do I do? (1) - Apr 5, 2010 A really bad cold can sometimes block the taste buds for a long time. What you have described is not particularly surprising or even unusual...
Treatment for Dry Cough: I had a bad coughing spell and it caused pins and needles in my back shoulder and arms and severe pain in my shoulders and arms. It is usually when I have just eaten something and feels like a crumb is stuck at the top of my wind pipe. (1) - Apr 5, 2010 The coughing spell you have described sounds a lot like you have had a recurrent cold for a long time. This is sometimes the most uncomfortable thing, as it leaves behind a nagging cough which then refuses to go away, no matter how much you try...