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A mild toothache will not cause a fever so it would be necessary for you to visit your dentist. Toothaches can be caused due to a variety of conditions like tooth decay or the presence of a cavity, but in most cases they will not cause a fever or chills...

Back acne can be extremely annoying as it is much harder to reach the pimples in order to apply any treatment. Back acne is generally triggered by irritation although there may be several other root causes...

The problem of gas is extremely common and something that all of us are familiar with. Gas can be discomforting and downright embarrassing at times, causing a bloated sensation, and flatulence...

Since you've quite clearly stated that your tooth has a big hole, in other words a cavity, it would only be natural that you would experience a great deal of pain, particularly when eating certain foods. I would strongly urge you to visit a dentist, as this is an extremely well known and common condition that can be treated very easily, but if neglected can turn quite serious...

Food poisoning is an extremely common condition and is in most cases not a cause for serious concern. Since you haven't provided us with any details regarding symptoms other than vomiting, or the duration it is impossible to determine the extent or severity of the food poisoning...