Cure For Toenail Fungus: Is toe nail fungus bad for your health? (1) - Apr 9, 2009 Toenail fungus is certainly bad for your health, which is why it needs to be treated promptly. This kind of infection is extremely unlikely to have any life threatening consequences, but if it is not treated it can certainly reach a point where it affects your ability to function normally in your day to day life...
UTI Home Treatment: It burns when I urinate I need to go ofte? (1) - Apr 9, 2009 It sounds like you are suffering from a urinary tract infection. The symptoms you describe - frequent need to urinate, and a burning sensation during urination - are classic symptoms of a urinary tract infection...
Dark Elbows: How do I cure my dark elbows? Lemon could not help I used it before? (1) - Apr 9, 2009 Dark elbows look extremely ugly, especially if the rest of the arms are not very dark. They can make the person look dirty and un-kept despite an otherwise immaculate appearance...
Brittle Nails | Splitting Nails: Brittle splitting nails? (1) - Apr 9, 2009 Cracked, brittle nails can make you look unkempt and ruin your over-all experience even if you are perfectly groomed otherwise. Apart from this, they can also cause discomfort especially if have broken at a sharp angle...
Stiff Neck Pain: Is there a remedy for stiff neck muscles? (1) - Apr 9, 2009 Stiff neck muscles can be caused by any number of reasons. This could be caused by your job which requires holding your head in one position for long periods of time...
Acid Reflux Treatment: Can vinegar be used for acid reflex? (1) - Apr 9, 2009 Gastroesophaegal reflux disease, also known as acid reflux, is a condition in which you experience a burning sensation in your chest or throat. This is accompanied by or followed by the liquid content of the stomach backing up into your esophagus...
Stretch Marks Removal: Hi, I am 27 and I am having 2 years baby and I am having strech marks on my belly and its looking very ugly and I am very unhappy with that, how can I completely remove strech marks, Please Advice? (1) - Apr 9, 2009 Stretch marks can be upsetting so I can understand your anguish over the marks on your belly. However, you should understand that they are quite normal, and most women develop stretch marks, especially after pregnancy...
Gas Formation: How do you get rid of gas that is right under your breast that won't move? (1) - Apr 9, 2009 The formation of gas is a natural occurrence. Mostly, it is the air that we swallow while eating and drinking that causes gas formation in the digestive tract...
Dark Circles Undereye | Watering Eyes: My eyes water when I watch television or work on the laptop. Can you suggest a possible reason for this and also give a home remedy. I also have dark circles under my eyes? Thank you (1) - Apr 9, 2009 It is very unlikely that the two problems you have mentioned are related. The watering of your eyes is probably just a result of eyestrain, and this will certainly not cause you to develop dark circles...
White Spots Lips: I started getting white spots under my bottom lip on the corners. Can you suggest any home remedy for this? (1) - Apr 9, 2009 There are a number of possible causes of white spots on the skin, but this is most probably a minor skin problem that can be successfully treated with some simple home remedies. The first thing you should do is rule out any kind of fungal infection...