Common Home Remedies For Yeast Infection: Yeast Infection? (1) - Feb 10, 2009 A yeast infection is nothing but an imbalance of levels of the candida albicans fungus in the vagina. This fungus occurs naturally in the vagina in small quantities and can grow in much larger quantities because of many factors including contraceptive pills, pregnancy, and antibiotic medication...
Advice For Nerves Of Hands: The nerves of my arms and hands have become very prominent. I am 26 years old and my arms have started looking green in color because of the transparency of the nerves. Please help? (1) - Feb 10, 2009 What you are seeing is veins, and not nerves. Veins are blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart from the various parts of the body, while nerves are bundles of specialized fibers that carry sensory signals to and from the brain...
Gall bladder treatment & diet: Is a small amount of wine bad for gall bladder? (1) - Feb 6, 2009 A small amount of wine is perfectly acceptable to drink if you have no trouble with the gall bladder. Trouble, in this case would mean if you have not had any kind of surgery, or if you do not have any stones in your gall bladder or anything like that...
Advice on Rheumatic Fever symptoms & treatment: Is rheumatism a contagious disease? will it spread from one person to another? If yes, what is the source of spreading from one person to another? (1) - Feb 6, 2009 Rheumatism is a disease that stems from rheumatic fever. This is a kind of fever that a person may pass on to another...
Bunion Treatment - Precautions & advice for foot bunions: How to cure heredity bunions? (1) - Feb 6, 2009 It is only in extremely rare cases that a problem such as bunions can be inherited. Usually, they are a direct result of other physical factors...
What is arthritis - Causes & Treatments using Natural Medication Therapy: I am 61 years old; during walk up a step I feel a quick pain in right knee. Is that arthritis? (1) - Feb 6, 2009 At your age, it is not impossible that you have developed arthritis. However, instead of making a self diagnosis or trying to do anything about the situation yourself, you should first try and get a medical examination of your knee...
Water cut natural home remedies: In between one of my finger there is dryness and cracked? What is causing this? I keep it dry but it not helping. Please suggest? (1) - Feb 6, 2009 In all probability, you are suffering from what is commonly known as a water cut. This typically happens when we tend to neglect to dry between our fingers after a bath...
Piles treatment with natural remedies: What are characteristics of piles? (1) - Feb 6, 2009 Piles are generally characterized by extreme pain and discomfort while passing a bowel movement. This happens because the nerve endings on the anus have become ruptured due to excessive strain and pressure applied to them...
Remedy for Brown marks on face: What causes brown marks on your face and should I seek medical advice? (1) - Feb 6, 2009 Your description is too sketchy to present any theory as to what could possibly have caused brown marks on your face. There are many kinds of marks that can occur on the face, and there could also be many reasons these marks could come about...
Vertigo symptoms and causes: Can you tell me a remedy for vertigo please? (1) - Feb 6, 2009 It is essential that you be aware that vertigo is not a disease in itself, but rather, a symptom of one. The word itself actually means something as simple as spinning...