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There are various simple and uncomplicated ways to boost lactation, especially within the first week of childbirth. If the baby is not latching on, then you must not panic and switch to milk or formula at once...

Advice on UTI symptoms The most obvious symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI) range over a variety of things. The first thing that would probably happen is that you would feel the desperate urge to urinate...

If you are still pregnant or are nursing your child, you should consult a doctor about your warts, as certain medications as well as home remedies are not advisable for you at this time. What you should never do, whether or not you are pregnant, is touch, scratch, or pluck at your warts, or use any traditional remedy that involves cutting or burning the warts in any way...

Advice on Kidney Failure There are many types of rashes, and as many causes, including allergies, autoimmune disorders, and a variety of fungal, viral, and bacterial infections. Rashes are difficult to diagnose without a personal examination, and you have not described the rash at all, so it is not possible to tell which of these could be the cause...

Acidophilis, known scientifically as lactobacillus acidophilus, is one of the most commonly used probiotic bacteria. In common usage however, the word acidophilus is used to refer to any of a group of probiotics, which includes lactobacillus acidophilus and several other beneficial bacteria as well...

From what I understand, you have noticed these changes for the worse in your skin since you moved out of home and into hostel three years ago. This is not surprising, as this change must have affected your entire lifestyle, including your diet, your sleep cycle, and several habits directly relating to grooming and hygiene...