Numbness of brain symptoms: have been havin pains and numbness on the entire right side of my body and even in my brain can u think of any condition that causes these symptoms (1) - Jan 9, 2008 Please do not take it easy. It may be arteriosclerosis of the right sided arteries and high tension of blood supply to the periphery...
Itchy swollen eyes home remedy: My right eye is itching and swollen. It's swollen on the eye lid and under the eye. What remedies do you have to get rid of it or should I go to the eye doctor? (1) - Jan 8, 2008 Try the following home remedies to handle the swelling on the eye lid and under your eye - Apply warm water compresses on the eye. Take clean washed cotton cloth dip it in warm water and place it on the eyes...
Remedies during weaning: what is the best way to relieve breast pressure when you're weaning (1) - Jan 8, 2008 Weaning not only has large impacts on the child, irrespective when you start weaning, but it also has great impacts on the mother. Try the following tips to reduce breast pressure when you start weaning - Don't be in a hurry to wean...
Chest cold advice: Something for a chest cold (1) - Jan 8, 2008 Try the following home remedies to relieve chest cold - Take steam from boiling water (add carom seeds or vaporizer in the water before it starts boiling). This is a very effective remedy to ease chest cold...
Bunions home remedies: I need a home remedy for bunions can you help me? (1) - Jan 8, 2008 The joint of the big toe enlarges and the big toe starts pushing itself against the other fingers of the feet. This puts pressure on the toe joint and often causes pain...
Chickenpox scars natural treatment: what can be used to remove chicken pox marks? (1) - Jan 8, 2008 Chickenpox scars fades with time. Besides try the following remedies to help fade them sooner - Apply sandalwood oil on the scars regularly till they fade...
Body dandruff remedy: I have dandruff on my head,chest,backbone,and all other parts of body where hair does. Please kindly suggest me. (1) - Jan 8, 2008 You are showing signs of extensive plasmodium ovale infection that comes in form of dandruff flakes.Please sun bathe in the early morning sun for 1 hour daily...
Hypothyroidism natural treatment: Are there any natural products to address Hypothyroidism? (1) - Jan 8, 2008 Thyroid hormones play important functions in the body like in regulating basic metabolic rate, heart rate and other metabolic processes. Any decrease or increase in these hormones can upset many body functions...
Ulcer colitis diet: what to eat and what to avoid in ulcer colitis. this deasese is last april 2006 to as on today. so pls guid a eating and treatments (1) - Jan 8, 2008 It is very important to take charge of your diet when it comes to treating ulcerative colitis. Your appetite is already at stake due to the bouts of diarrhea and pain, thus quality of food plays a major role in the healing part...
Popping in knee remedy: Why does my knees make a popping noise when I move? It is not all the time. Usually when I first get up in the morning or when I get up from a chair. Thank you (1) - Jan 8, 2008 Knee is a complex joint. An injury or ruptured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) can cause a popping sound when you move your knees...