The head houses and protects the basic organ of our sensory perception. Physical trauma or ailments are often causes for damages in the nerves that reside in the head. Believed to be the most susceptible to damage is the optical nerve. Head injuries are the most common cause of optical nerve damage, also commonly referred to as head nerve damage. Optical nerve damage can lead to problems with vision, memory loss, loss of sensation and difficulty in concentration among other day to day activities. There can be multiple problems with vision if there has been any trauma to the optical nerve. You may experience blurred vision. You could also find yourself getting clumsier in your day to day activities, as this could also affect your physical coordination. In some severe cases, people may also find it difficult to distinguish between colors. Other activities such as remembering objects, numbers, and people may also be adversely affected. Essentially you may suffer from what is commonly known as visual memory loss. Your concentration span may decrease; you could also have trouble reading. These are the more immediate effects of optical nerve damage. Often when people find normal vision related activities cumbersome they try to concentrate harder which in turn may lead to headaches.
It is important to remember that the optical nerve affects more than your ability to see well. It can affect your normal daily activities such as associating objects with their use, controlling your body movements and loss of these daily functions can also lead to depression. It is important to reach out to your caregiver if you are suffering from optical nerve damage. There are several other nerve damages that can be associated with the nerves that are either housed in the cranium or lead to and from it. The cause and effect of head nerve damage differs depending on your personal situation. Some are age related while other nerve damage may occur due to a physical injury. An injury is an obvious reason for nerve damage but it is important to recognize symptoms of nerve damage when there is no injury. If you start suffering from persistent short term memory loss, if you start experiencing dizziness or get the shivers which start from your head moving down, you must consult a doctor. Another symptom of possible nerve damage is shivers running through your body, or the sensation of ‘pins and needles’ on your body over an extended period of time. If these symptoms affect your day to day life it is important to consult your doctor.