February 25, 2010

Symptoms Of Anorectal Abscess And Its Treatment Tips

Posted in Category : Women's Health

Anorectal abscess disorder is a condition in which pus begins to fill in the rectal region. This condition is generally localized in which abscesses begin to develop in the anal region. There is swelling due to the accumulation of pus, accompanied with severe pain. This is a disorder that can only be diagnosed after a physical examination and a CT scan. If the abscesses are very deep, then a pelvic MRI can be asked for.

These abscesses surround the rectum in the entire rectal area. These are sometimes superficial and sometimes very deep. There are two main types of abscesses. One is the perianal abscess which is usually superficial. This abscess points towards the skin. The other type of abscess is the ischiorectal abscess, which is much deeper. This often forms an abscess shaped like a horse shoe. When ignored for a long period of time, this abscess reaches the abdominal organs and affects them. Often, this abscess is caused due to the pelvic inflammatory disease.

Anorectal abscesses can be caused by conditions of the colon like the Crohn’s disease. Other infections like those caused by escherichia coli, staphylococci, Proteus vulgaris, streptococci and Bacteroides.


Abscesses, either superficial or deeper, are both extremely painful. There can be substantial swelling accompanied with tenderness of the skin and redness. In deeper abscesses, symptoms might be less painful. However, there are other flu like symptoms like chills, fever and general malaise. The rectal wall may get swollen up and the skin becomes tender. However these symptoms differ from person to person.

It is important for the patients to get their symptoms diagnosed so that the treatment can begin. Since there is so much of pain, patients almost always go to a doctor to get themselves checked. A superficial abscess can be assessed by a digital examination of the rectum. It might not always require imaging too.

In case of deeper abscesses, the diagnosis is done by administering the patient with anesthesia first. Most often, these abscesses are drained during the time of the examination.


The treatment of these anorectal abscesses requires very prompt action. Mostly they are drained out at the time of examination. Though these abscesses can be drained at a doctor’s clinic, some individuals may require to be treated in a hospital setting. People, who are diabetic, neutropenic or those who have cellulitis, need to be given antibiotics before proceeding their treatment.