April 23, 2010

Symptoms & Treatment for Ulcerative Proctitis

Posted in Category : Common Ailments

Proctitis refers to the inflammation of the mucus lining of the inner walls of the rectum. Ulcerative proctitis is the formation of ulcers in the colon that affects the rectal area too. The primary symptom of this condition is a frequent urge to defecate. The process of defecation is often painful as the amount of stools is usually small and often accompanied by the discharge of mucus, blood and pus. Other symptoms include cramps in the lower abdomen, often following defecation in the initial stages, defecation without warning in subsequent stages, and finally marked weight loss and malnutrition. In some cases, recurrent diarrhea and passage of blood with the stools mark the condition. In a few extreme cases, the patient may suffer from severe dysentery and dehydration, resulting in a rise in the body temperature and anemia. A physical examination of the rectum is sufficient to reveal if a person is suffering from proctitis. A smear test of the mucus lining of the rectum and a stool test at a pathological laboratory may also be required to confirm the diagnosis.


A few preventive and curative measures may be followed at home to treat ulcerative proctitis. Stay away from foods that tend to irritate the digestive tract, such as dairy products, caffeine based products, carbonated drinks and alcohol. You should also stop smoking since it aggravates the symptoms. In addition, make sure that you do not put your digestive tract under too much pressure at any time. Eat small meals at regular intervals throughout the day so that the process of digestion becomes easier. Also, drink at least 10-12 glasses of water as this not only flushes out toxins from the system but also soothes the inflamed walls of the colon and the rectum. Since ulcerative proctitis affects the body’s ability to assimilate essential nutrients from food, you may be required to intake mineral and vitamin supplements in order to prevent malnutrition. You should eat a couple of ripe bananas every morning at breakfast, as they are a rich natural source of iron and phosphorus. Besides, they are easy to digest and serve to soothe the inflamed lining of the colon and the rectum and regularize bowel movements. Fruits like apple, watermelon, cucumber and papaya should also be eaten regularly as they supply essential nutrients and water to the body. It is also useful to drink a glass of fresh buttermilk thrice a day in order to reduce the severity of the symptoms.