I have used this with my kid many times and it works fast. tee tree oil diluted w/ water.1:3 apply topically 3x a day till rash is gone
Try taking ur finger & dabbing it in bleach then putting that on the wringworm. It really works & believe it or not it doesn't burn. I tried it before on a wringworm my niece spread & it saved me a trip to the doctor... My sister used pen ink for my nieces scalp. She took the top off the pen & surrounded the wringworm w/ ink not much just to cover it. Don't wash it off, reapply until it's gone & it worked w/o causing her hair to fall out...
being a teenager to have ringworm again is embarassing and after repeated visted to my doctor who only ever gave me useless creams i became desperate and decided to try bicarbonate of soda mixed with warm or hot water. by first bursting the ringworm with a blade (the blunt side) my mum applied this allow it to get to the root of the problem and with a matter of day it disappeared leavin jus a small scar that also faded
My 8 yr daughter was diagnosed with ringworm on the left side of her scalp. Doctor had prescribed griseofulvin Fulvicin U/F Grifulvin V oral pills 3 times with little results. Unfortunately the ringworm only improved a little with each 8-10 week prescription. .The ringworm has lasted over 11/2 year & increased in size. It is now the size of the palm of my hand and all red & crusty, with small scab-like patches, almost to her left eyebrow. One user Tim suggested Windex. I sprayed a generic "windex", glass cleaner with ammonia on her scalp...I saturated it....then brushed it good. When she awoke this morning...I was SHOCKED!!!...it looked SO MUCH BETTER!!! . The skin was less red, not raised & irritated like before. The red, dry crusty scab-like patches were only slightly pink with a few small flakes of dead skin. So THANK YOU TIM...It saved my daughter's scalp!!! Tell Everyone you know fighting ringworm!!!
try tetrasil http://www.tetrasilointment.co.uk/
Straight Bleach rubbed on your skin with a hot/warm cloth worked well. My daughter broke out all over her body and I "just on a whelm" though the bleach kills germs so I'm sure it would help kill a "germy" ringworm followed up with some lotramin (just in case!)...whamo did the trick...
I heard of using bleach, but was afraid to try it So it came to me that the clorex bleach stick might work, becaus it contains bleach. Used it and it was gone in two days.
mix salt baking soda and vinegar in a small bowl then place it on ringworm.let sit for 30-45min.do this for 5-7 days.ringworm should clear up.
apply a swab with household bleach to the ringworm and it will die.
When I was a kid many many years ago..I got ringworm's and this elderly lady down the street from us burned onion skin paper...after it burned,she took the residue from the paper and put it on my ringworm's. Within days the ringworm's were gone.