Treatment for Tremors

Treatments for tremors will depend on the cause and the severity of the symptoms. Some tremors may respond to treatments of the underlying disease or illness. Other forms of treatment for tremors include:

  • Medication and drug therapy. These can include beta-blockers, anti-convulsants medications and anti-cholinergic drugs. However there are some types of tremors such as cerebellar tremors which do not respond to any form of medication.
  • Anti-seizure medications are useful for patients who do not respond well to beta-blockers
  • Tranquilizers may be prescribed if stress and anxiety is the trigger for tremors.
  • Injections of botulinum toxin can treat voice or head tremors and other movement disorders such as dystonia.
  • Physical therapy to reduce tremors and improve motor skills is also useful for some patients. Physiotherapy also improves muscle tone and strength by using specific equipment such as weighted plates and wrist weights. Depending on the doctor’s evaluation about the extent of the neurological problem, a customized physical therapy regime can begin. Coordination and exercises to improve the balance may also be helpful.
  • Surgical procedures such as Thalamatomy may reduce certain types of tremors. However, this is a last resort option and will only be performed when no other treatment is successful. Patients with Parkinson’s disease benefit the most from such a procedure.
  • Deep Brain Stimulation or DBS used high-frequency signal via electrodes to stimulate the thalamus in the brain. This stimulation can treat tremors such as essential tremors or tremors due to Parkinson’s disease.

Surgery for tremors comes with a possibility of side effects and complications. These include problems with speech and motor control, permanent or temporary cognitive issues, loss of vision, loss of speech and even learning difficulties.

Other Surgical Treatments

While research still continues on other more effective treatments for tremors, the following suggestions may help reduce the discomfort:

  • Acupuncture can help reduce symptoms of tremors and prevent recurring episodes. Acupuncture is also helpful in lowering stress and anxiety.
  • Some people find hypnosis useful in controlling the repetitive patterns of tremors as well as reducing the impact of trigger factors such as anxiety or heightened emotions.
  • Massage therapy can improve muscle tone and strength and relieve stress and tension.
  • Biofeedback is an alternative technique used to help you control your body’s reactions to various stimuli.

While more conclusive evidence is still required on the efficacy of such treatments for tremors, there is no denying that many people suffering from tremors have positive reports about the reduction of symptoms and discomfort.

For many people, tremors can be embarrassing and cause them to live in isolation. Joining a support group for people who suffer from tremors is highly recommended. This will give people an opportunity to meet others with the same issues and offer support and counseling on various coping mechanisms necessary to live with the condition. Support groups can be found at your hospital or even online. A therapist or counselor is another option for those looking for support and encouragement in meeting the challenges of living with chronic tremors.