Vitamins are essential for healthy growth and development of children. These vitamins are available in four forms - tablets, capsules, soft gels and liquids. Today, liquid vitamins are more popular than any other form. They play an essential role in increasing the absorption of nutrients into the blood stream and produce maximum efficacy in children's body.
Many types of children's liquid vitamins are available in the market. The most essential vitamins available in liquid form are Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K. Childrens liquid vitamins are often blended with other essential nutrients like iron, potassium and magnesium or organic products like aloe vera, blue green algae, honey and black cherry flavor to fulfill the nutritional requirements for children. Flavoring agents are added to enhance the taste on the tongue.
Children's liquid vitamin is very easy to digest. They just have to swallow the vitamin without any efforts made by their teeth or mouth. The vitamin bypasses the digestive process and gets easily absorbed into the blood stream and further into the cell directly.
Most of the vitamin pills have binders, fillers and preservative to give them the desired fun shapes for children. Children may like the shapes of the pills but some may be allergic to pills. Under such circumstances, liquid vitamins are the best alternative to provide good nutrition to them.
Flavored liquids are enjoyed by all age groups of children. Even smaller kids of 2-3 years enjoy consuming liquid vitamins in the form of flavored drinks. The recent research evidence claims that the absorption rate for kids liquid vitamins is around 98%. The main reason behind the high absorption rate of liquid vitamins for kids is easy absorption of nutrient into the blood stream.
Apart from having several advantages, there are few disadvantages also. Nutrients in liquid vitamin gets depleted or destroyed when come in contact with stomach acids. The liquid forms also fail to carry viable form of enzymes for more than a day that reduces their potency.