Nosebleeds and Headaches in Children

by Garreth Myers

Nosebleeds are common in children, and usually they are not a major cause of concern. However, if the nosebleeds are accompanied with severe headaches, then this calls for medical intervention. Severe headaches accompanied with nosebleeds in children are usually because of high blood pressure. Sometimes, anemia, a condition which results in low hemoglobin, is also a cause of nosebleeds and headaches in children.

What Should You Do?

If a child complains of nosebleeds accompanied with severe headaches, then the child must be immediately taken to a doctor. The doctor will be able to best diagnose the condition and prescribe the best treatment for the child. It is very important to determine the cause of nosebleed to be able to treat it effectively. If high blood pressure is the cause behind the problem, then a few changes in the lifestyle and diet will help in curing the problem. A blood test will help in finding out if the child is anemic, and whether the nosebleeds and headaches are caused by anemia. Sometimes, headache is caused because of excessive loss of blood if the bleeding continues for a long time.

A number of blood vessels are present on the inside of the nostrils, and these are vulnerable to injury because they are present at a shallow depth. Nosebleeds can be caused due to some allergies, an injury, blowing the nose too hard, or dryness of the lining of the nostrils. If the bleeding is excessive and is beyond control, then it results in loss of a lot of blood and that results in the feeling of dizziness and headaches. Therefore, it is very essential that the parents know what steps are to be taken immediately to control nosebleeds.

Helping your Child

Teaching the kids healthier habits and making sure that they inculcate these habits will help in preventing nosebleeds in children. A few healthy habits that the parents must teach their kids are as follows:
  • Children must be taught that picking the nose is a bad habit and they must not do it.
  • Kids must be taught that inserting any foreign object in the nose can prove to be dangerous.
  • If the child is allergic to certain food or medicines, which causes nosebleeds, then they must be told to avoid those.

First Aid

The immediate steps that must be taken by the parents when their kids suffer from nosebleed are detailed below.
  • Make the child sit down with the head pressed to the chest, this is to ensure that the blood does not goes to the throat.
  • Ice is very effective in controlling nosebleeds, and so, an ice pack should be applied to the nose for about 10 to 15 minutes.
If one fails to control the bleeding with these primary first aid steps, then immediate medical intervention is advised without any delay. Excessive bleeding must be prevented, so that there is not much loss of blood. If a foreign object stuck in the nose is causing the bleeding, then one must not try to remove the object on their own and should immediately rush the child to doctors.


A few changes that the parents should bring about for their kids to prevent nosebleeds from occurring are follows:
  • Make sure that the nails of the kids are trimmed and short. This will make sure that the blood vessels are not injured if the kids pick their nose.
  • Using humidifiers in the child’s room will help in keeping the nostrils moist.
  • Some creams can also be used to keep the lining moist, but make sure that you consult your doctor before using a cream.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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