Fever and Nosebleed in Children

by Sam Malone

Nosebleeds are quite common in children, and whenever they occur, the parents are obviously more alarmed than the child. However, it is not something to be worried about as a bleeding nose is not necessarily dangerous.

The nose is a body part filled with blood vessels, and an infection of the nasal membrane, allergies, coughing, and sinusitis can cause a rupture in the blood vessels. The nose can also become dry, because of any of the above mentioned reasons, which, in turn, cracks the membranes and results in bleeding.

Nosebleeds and Fever

Due to fever, the blood flow increases in the superficial blood vessels, and the veins in the nose can rupture due to the increase in the flow of blood. A fever accompanied by coughs and sneezes is a big reason for a bleeding nose. This is because of the force with which the air strikes the nasal membrane that ruptures these blood vessels, resulting in bleeding. Many a times, the fever your child is experiencing is in response to the nasal allergies and infection he/she is suffering from, which caused the nosebleed in first place. Whenever your child is in such a situation, then consulting a doctor is the best option you have. Not because of the fever, but because of the allergies and the infection he/she has that requires immediate evaluation and medications.

If your child is suffering from recurring nose bleeding, but the amount of blood that comes is the same, then you can adopt the following procedure to stop it from happening again.
  • Sit your child down with his head facing forward and looking downwards. You can make him sit on your lap with him/her facing you.
  • With one hand, apply some pressure on both the nostrils on the soft part of the nose of your child.
  • Keep squeezing for five minutes or until the bleeding stops completely.

Precautions and Tips

This simple procedure is very helpful to stop the small amount of bleeding that your child has every now and then. However, your child must take some precautions after the nose bleeding stops. Firstly, he should refrain from blowing the nose for at least two hours after the blood flow from the nose stops. Secondly, picking the nose is a habit that every kid has, so you must ensure that there is no such activity from the part of your child. Thirdly, your child should not lie down during or immediately after the bleeding stops as lying down will increase the pressure in the blood vessels. Lastly, you should not stuff wool or any other packaging inside the nose to stop the bleeding.

When to Call a Doctor?

Sometimes, the fever or the infection can cause persistent bleeding that does not stop even after 20 minutes. This is a serious matter and a doctor should be immediately contacted in such a case. This happens when the rupture in the tissue of the blood vessels is large and the clotting of the blood is not enough to seal the crack in the membrane. Doctors recommend a surgery in these situations that are simple and very quick to perform. However, you must understand all the outcomes of the surgery thoroughly as your child might not feel comfortable after the surgery. The possible side effects of the surgery should also be taken very seriously and preparations for them must be taken before hand prior to the surgery.

Nose bleeding during a fever can occur because of many factors related to the health of your child so always seek expert advice before taking your own decisions.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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