What is paba and can it regrow hair?

PABA is the short form of Para-aminobenzoic acid. This helps in the manufacture of folic acid in our body. PABA does help protect the skin against the effects of the sun rays. For some time it was believed that PABA also helped in cases where people suffered from prematurely gray hair. However further research proved that this was not so. However, you should consult your doctor about including PABA in your daily intake since it has several excellent benefits.

You can try several simple home remedies to increase the growth of your hair. The most important thing is protecting your hair. You can do this by either wearing a hat or tying a scarf over your hair when you go out. Taking some simple precautions will also help your hair grow long. Never use very hot water to wash your hair. Always use gentle shampoos and try to restrict the number of hair washes to twice a week. Massaging your scalp is believed to be beneficial. A regular application of raw egg also helps hair grow and gain bounce. The juice of Indian gooseberry is also beneficial. You can massage this into your scalp. You can also boil some pieces of gooseberry in oil and use the oil to regularly massage your scalp.

answered by M W

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