There are several ways in which you can ensure that your thinning hair is saved.
The best way to stop hair from thinning is to just treat it well. This means that you do not wash your hair more than two times in a week, and when you do, please do not use excessively hot water. Keep under observation the effect of your shampoo on your hair and scalp. Harsh shampoos are to be avoided. Massaging the scalp gently for 15 to 20 minutes after a bath helps the blood circulation to the follicles.
There are loads of great home made preparations that you can apply to your scalp. For example, the juice of coriander leaf is supposed to be beneficial for your condition. Castor oil and almond oil mixed in fifty-fifty proportions should be applied to the scalp daily for 2 weeks. This too will help greatly in the health of your scalp, and hence, with the thinning of your hair.
Diet is important too. Drink banana milkshakes, honey spiked drinks, yoghurt based smoothies and skimmed milk. Fresh vegetable juices too are great — not just for your hair but for a whole lot of other benefits too. Carrot, capsicum, and lettuce are some of the vegetables that you need to experiment with. Try a mix of all of them if you want.
Now, if your hair thinning is genetic, there is unfortunately very little that we can do for you at home. In this case, you need to consult a physician. He will recommend a hair transplant or a medical/hormonal treatment that should be able to help you.
answered by M W