How to stop coughing?

There are several easy to follow home remedies that can help get rid of a cough. Start with having a cup of onion juice with two tablespoons of honey and a dash of ginger juice added to it daily. Onion juice will remove phlegm and thereby reduce irritation. Make green tea with equal quantities of aniseed, cloves, cardamoms, crushed peppercorns and a small piece of crushed ginger. This is an excellent cough suppressant and can be had up to thrice a day or more if you think you can handle it. Warm carrot juice will help relieve dry cough. Suck on a piece of dry ginger all day to relieve coughing.

You can also make a concoction of a few holy basil leaves and lemongrass boiled in a cup of water for about 10 minutes and sip this slowly. To get rid of a racking cough, mix together a pinch of freshly ground black pepper with a teaspoon each of honey and lime juice and have this thrice to four times a day. Drink a tall glass of hot milk with half a teaspoon of turmeric powder added to it before bedtime. The antiseptic properties of turmeric will work all night to heal your throat and the honey will provide relief, giving you peaceful sleep. While you have a cough, you must avoid consuming sugar, as this will only worsen it.

answered by G R

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