My toenail is cracked. What can i do to fix it?

Toenails are tougher than your finger nails. However, these often develop a crack due to a variety of reasons. Your might have allowed your nails to grow too long. This makes the nail prone to breakage. That is why you should always ensure that your nails are kept short. Sometimes your nails develop a fungal infection in the space between the nail and the flesh. This could also cause the nail to become weak and crack. You should check if you have any infection in your nails. You should visit a doctor who can tell you why your nail has cracked.

In the meanwhile you can try out some simple precautions to ensure that your nails do not crack in the future. Avoid wearing tight shoes since these are often the reason for nails to cracks. Tight shoes result in sweaty feet. Moisture is trapped in the area between the nail and the flesh causing problems of various kinds. In some cases, your nail could be allergic to the nail polish that you use. This could have resulted in the crack in the nail. However, you should not worry too much about the crack in your nail since nails usually heal. You can help the nail heal faster by using a bandage to bridge the crack and keep the pieces together. However, you should remember to change the bandage frequently and keep it clean and dry.

answered by M W

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