Cracked heels, also known as heel fissures, are a common problem affecting men and women all over the globe. Cracks on the soles can develop on one, or both feet. This affliction is more common in those who are elderly. You may also suffer from cracked heels if you exert an excessive amount of pressure on the soles of your feet, over a prolonged period of time. This problem may worsen during the winter months, or if you live in dry climates.
People often regard cracked heels as a sign of inadequate foot care and hygiene. However, there are several different factors that could lead to the development of fissures or lesions on the heels. At times, heel cracks may also be an indication of certain nutritional deficiencies.
For many, the appearance of cracks on the heels is nothing more than an embarrassment or an inconvenience. However, at times these fissures could cause you to experience an immense amount of pain. This could make it difficult for you to stand, walk or wear certain kinds of footwear. Left unchecked, cracked heels can also start bleeding or get infected. Therefore, it is important to try and control this problem as early as possible. Fortunately, most cases of cracked heels can be easily treated with the help of simple remedies and self-care measures. Alternately, you could also consult a dermatologist or a podiatrist for medical treatment options.
It could take several days or even weeks for cracks on the heels to develop completely. In fact, by recognizing the early signs of fissures on the heels you may be able to prevent or at least control them to some extent. You will know that you are about to develop heel cracks if you notice symptoms like:
Do consult your doctor in case you experience any of the signs and symptoms mentioned above. As the cracks on the heels continue to develop, you may also notice bleeding, white discharge or signs of an infection.
You are probably aware of the fact that the skin on your heel is thicker than the rest of your foot. Therefore, you need to moisturize it often and thoroughly, in order to keep it healthy and supple. For any reason, if the skin covering the heel becomes excessively dry, the lack of moisture in the area will cause the upper layer of the skin to lose flexibility. As a result, the skin on the heel starts to split and crack.
What Causes Cracked Heels?
There are several different factors that can cause you to develop cracks on your heels. Some of the most common causes of this problem include:
Though it is not very common, some people may also develop cracks on the heels because of nutritional deficiencies. You may notice heel fissures as reaction to the lack of Iron, Calcium, Vitamin E, Omega 3 fatty acids and Zinc.
Most people do not try to identify the causes of cracks on the heels. However, some causes of cracked heels are more serious than the others and need to be addressed by a doctor. Therefore, do consult your family doctor or a dermatologist about this problem, before you try to resolve it on your own.
Fortunately, most cases of cracked heels can be reversed completely, with the help of simple home remedies and lifestyle changes.
How to Heal Cracked Heels?
The first step in treating cracked heels is getting rid of the excessive dryness in the skin. In order to do this, you need to apply an oil-based cream or moisturizer on your dry cracked heels at least twice a day. For best results, you should
You should notice a significant improvement in the cracks after following this exercise twice a day for a week. However, it is best to continue this routine regularly even after the cracks disappear.
Given below are a few remedies and self-care measures that will help you care for cracked heels at home
These home cures for cracked heels are quite safe; however, it is best to check with a doctor before trying any of them. Do check with a doctor in case you do not see any improvement in your dry cracked heels even after using these remedies for a week.
There is no specific diet that you need to follow while treating cracked heels. However, since certain nutritional deficiencies can lead to the formation of cracks on the heels, it is best that you follow a diet that is high in:
Never make any changes to your diet without first checking with your health care provider. It is also essential to follow a diet that provides your body with the right balance of all the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
Preventing dry and cracked heels is much easier than trying to cure them. Given below are a few suggestions that could keep your heels from developing cracks:
While these tips are quite safe if followed correctly, do check with your doctor, before trying any of them.
I had a deep fissure in my right heel for years. It got so deep that it would become a little infected and painful. No amount filing with heel files or moisturizing would help to completely heal it. I used "blister band aids" for about three weeks on the area. It started healing from the inside out. Some band aids are better than others. I like "Bandaid Advanced Healing Blister Ampoules". When I jog I always wear one. In the bed, the bandaids tend to roll off, so I use Activ-Flex Blister Block Stick. I found these in the bandages aisle of the drug store. I've tried so many things for years. These items healed them completely, but I still have a "crease" that could potentially open up again. My heel looks fine with moisturizer and blister block with flip flops or open backed shoes, but I still always wear a blister bandaid or blister block otherwise.
Allow me to share this with everyone. For many years I have suffered in silence as my cracked heels worsen every single day. Tried so many products to no avail. Luckily I found this product, Bencoolen Virgin Coconut Oil Cracked Heel Repair Cream. Have used it for 2 months now and I am proud to say it really works! Most of my cracks have cured almost fully. On my further read up, I further understand why virgin coconut oil is used. In its natural process, it is high in vitamins, minerals and possesses the miraculous healing power of mother's milk, amino acid and nature's natural healers combined. Hope those having those having these cracked heels problem will benefit from it. Try it! It really works. Thank You.
Simply apply some glycerin everyday preferably before you go to bed or anytime when it can stay there longer. See the change in 10 days. It will work for sure.
Mix maragrine with baby powder and bicarbonate of soda, apply on feet at night , wear thick socks see results after ten days.