how do i know if i have a sinus infection and how to treat it

To know if you have a sinus infection, you need to determine if you have certain signs and symptoms. Sinus infections usually cause pressure and pain in the forehead or around the eyes. Pain around the cheekbones, temples and top of the head is also common, depending on which of the sinus cavities have become infected. Sinusitis is also characterized by drainage of mucus that can be either clear or yellowish in color. There may also be blood discharge along with the mucus. This drainage is most likely to take place as post-nasal drip, in which the sinuses drain the discharge down the throat. This discharge is then swallowed and as such nausea or stomach upsets could also result. Individuals with sinusitis also tend to experience a lot of fatigue. Congestion of the nasal passage and sinus cavities is also common. This usually becomes aggravated at night and may result in the individual breathing through the mouth when lying down. Due to the blockage of the sinuses and nasal passage, there may be a diminished sense of taste and smell. Bad breath also generally occurs when the sinuses become infected. sore throat, fever and chills may also develop during sinusitis.

There are several natural ways by which you can alleviate the symptoms of sinus infections. Steam inhalation using peppermint essential oil is very beneficial in easing congestion and discomfort of the sinuses. Placing a towel dipped in cold water on the forehead will also help to alleviate the pain and swelling caused by sinusitis. Application of a paste of cinnamon powder and water on the forehead is also known to work well in relieving sinus headaches. You can even make a paste of dry ginger and milk and apply it to your forehead. Hot showers are beneficial in aiding the drainage of the sinuses.

Consuming raw vegetable juices will help to prevent sinusitis attacks. You can drink a combination of carrot, beet, spinach and cucumber juices daily. Increasing intake of vitamin A will also help to protect against sinus infections. Foods rich in vitamin A include leafy vegetables, mangoes, tomatoes, egg yolk, carrots, pumpkin and curd. Gargling with salt water is also effective in treating sinusitis. You can also wrap some cumin seeds in a cloth and inhale the aroma through the cloth. This is effective in alleviating congestion in the nasal and sinus cavities. Teas are very beneficial in easing inflamed sinuses. Drink a hot cup of cinnamon or ginger tea for an effective remedy against sinusitis.

For a definite diagnosis, visit your doctor who will also inform you if medication is necessary.

answered by G M

A sinus infection or sinusitis is an infection of the tissues in the paranasal sinuses, which are cavities in the bones around the nose. Due to the infection and swelling in the sinuses, breathing becomes harder, and the patient also experiences fever and headaches. Sinusitis is not always a sinus infection – in some cases, the inflammation may not be due to infection, but due to an allergy or some other problem with the immune system. Sinusitis is also further categorized into two types: acute or sudden sinusitis, and chronic or long term sinusitis.  

Sinusitis can be a very painful and discomforting condition. The main symptom of sinusitis is a throbbing headache with intense pressure in the area of the affected sinuses. The pressure is worse when you cough or strain yourself, or when you lie down on your back. There is usually also some amount of nasal discharge, which tends to be rather thick and greenish in color. In some cases, you may also start feeling feverish and low on energy.  

There are quite a few home remedies to prevent sinusitis from getting worse. Inhaling steam from a vaporizer of hot water can be quite relieving and refreshing, as the steam tends to unblock the sinuses completely. Some people also recommend applying a mixture of powder, water, and mustard seeds in your nostrils. You could also try applying a paste of water and cinnamon powder on the forehead, or a paste of ginger and water. Inhaling the smell of pungent vegetables and spices like garlic, mustard, and onion is thought to be quite helpful against sinusitis, as these methods clear out the nose and the sinuses, allowing you to breathe easier. Another remedy would be to drink a lot of ripe grape juice and carrot juice. You should also try to follow a healthy diet along with other remedies: in particular try to consume vegetables and fruits that are rich in Vitamin A, such as mangoes and pumpkins.  

It is also advisable that you visit a doctor, especially since you seem unsure of whether or not you have sinusitis. Migraine is often misdiagnosed as sinusitis, and a misdiagnosis is more likely when you try to diagnose your own symptoms. In order to successfully treat your condition, a proper diagnosis is essential. In addition, if you have chronic sinusitis, you may need to take your doctor’s help to investigate the possibility of an allergy or a problem with your immune system.

answered by G M

Sinus health advice-

1. If you have symptoms of forehead supraorbital pain, running nose, heaviness in the cheek as well as head, sneezing, nose stuffiness, then you could be suffering from sinusitis. In this condition the frontal, ethmoid, nasal and maxillary sinuses that are somehow involved.

2. Take hot water steam for 5 minutes daily in the morning and night. You may put 3-4 drops of Eucalyptus also for inhalation with the steam.

3. Take a homeopathic remedy called Belladonna 30 and Arsenic iod 30 alternately every 6 hours for 5 days.

4. Do yoga pranayam specially kapalbhati and anulom vilom for 10 minutes each, 2 times daily for 3 months.

answered by D M K

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