A large number of people consider dark skin to be a bane, particularly if they yearn for lighter colored skin.  Not everyone has the same skin tone; that is the way nature has planned it. People in the tropical areas generally tend to have a darker skin tone as sun exposure is more. The color of one’s skin is determined by a certain pigment known as melanin. The concentration of this pigment will basically decide if a person will be dark or fair. Thus the concentration of this pigment generally tends to be higher in people that have brown or black skin. The darkening of skin could also be a result of hyperpigmentation. This is a pigmentation disorder that leads to an increase in the melanin content in one’s blood.  Hygiene can at times also determine the skin tone, particularly in the neck area. A large number of people generally tend to ignore this area while washing other parts of the body, as a result of which the accumulated dirt and grime give the skin a blackish hue.

However, in your case, the skin has turned dark on account of an allergic reaction. Thus, the first thing that you will be required to do is stop wearing any kind of jewellery around the neck. Your skin color can be restored by following a few simple home remedies. Lemon juice is great for treating this condition as it acts as a natural bleaching agent. Apply a layer of freshly squeezed lemon juice on the affected area for 10-15 minutes, after which rinse it off with lukewarm water. As an alternative to lemon juice, you could also use freshly squeezed cucumber juice. This will not only help in lightening the skin but will leave it feeling healthy and fresh as well.

Take a few mint leaves and grind them into a fine paste, after which apply it onto the neck area. Once the application has dried, after about 15 minutes, rinse it off with chilled water. This remedy is also known to work well on darkened skin. Regular application of potato juice is also beneficial when it comes to lightening darkened skin. Grate one medium sized tomato and add 3-4 drops of lime to it. This mixture should then be applied on the affected area.  Let the application dry naturally, after which rinse it off with cold water. This remedy should be performed twice a day till you see visible results.

answered by G M

Firstly stop wearing any piece of jewelry that is causing the problem for some time and when you wear it again, remove it immediately as soon as you reach home. Avoid wearing on regular basis.

Try the following tips to lighten the dark areas of your skin -

  • Rub the inner slice of lemon on the darken skin and leave it for around 20 minutes before washing. Lemon will act as natural bleaching agent and help to lighten your skin tone if used on regular basis.
  • Cut a raw potato and rub the inner portion on the hands and leave it for 10 – 15 minutes before washing.
  • Before stepping out in sun apply sunscreen lotion of appropriate SPF to protect your skin. Also avoid wearing the same type of jewelry, bring variety in your life try different jewelry.  
  • Mix a vitamin E capsule in olive oil and use this oil to massage on your dark skin, this will help to lighten the dark skin.

answered by Dr S

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