In today’s busy, hectic and noisy world, we all are prone to various health disorders related to mental and physical stress. The excess of noise pollution proves to be dangerous to ear. This causes whistling in the ear. People working in factories and other noisy workplaces are often at a greater risk of having the symptom of ear whistling. Exposure to loud noise is the biggest factor contributing to the whistling in the ear.
You can also have a whistling sound, if you have a habit of hearing to video clipping or mp3 players at a very high volume. Ear phones and speakers kept at very high volumes often damage the inner ear, resulting in whistling sound. Night clubs, noisy pubs and restaurants are all factors contributing to the causes of ear sound.
Whistling sound in your ears can also be caused by ear pain, ear infection, deposition of wax in the ear, auditory nerve tumor, acute infection of the inner ear and presence of fluid in the ear. Anemia, cold, lack of sleep and other health disorders involving hearing problems can also exhibit a sign of whistling in the ears.
Any difficulty in hearing causes obliteration of sound waves that are recognized by the brain on a regular basis. Absence of these sound waves often results in ear whistling.
answered by J