Split ends are the result of the lifestyle that you lead. If you expose your hair to elements, swim frequently, or even wash regularly with a harsh shampoo, then your hair develops splits along its ends. If you have subjected your hair to treatments like dying or straightening, or anything else that involves using strong chemicals and a strong hairy dryer, then these can also be the reasons for your split ends.
If you use shampoo regularly, then perhaps it is time you bought a new shampoo — one that takes into account your damaged hair and will help it. Mayonnaise is an ingredient that you can simply pick up from your kitchen and use on your hair. Massaging mayonnaise into your hair before washing your hair will give it a shine.
Try to avoid using a hair dryer or any other machine that uses a heat element to set your hair. Always wash your hair with cold water and avoid combing it too much when it is wet.
Visit a good hair care person and cut of fall the split ends. Ensure that you protect your hair from the elements. Always wear a hat or wrap a scarf on your hair when you go out.
answered by G M