How do you remove dark marks from your nose due to rubbing it upwards? Ive had it for 3 years and tried nearly everything?

It is not clear exactly how you would develop dark marks on your nose by rubbing upwards - why would you be rubbing your nose in this way, particularly to the extent that the skin on your nose becomes dark? The most important thing to do is obviously to stop this rubbing, whether it is a habitual quirk of yours or has something to do with an activity that you perform regularly. Constant friction is known to cause darkening of skin, and while some measures may help lighten the skin, they will be practically useless unless the friction itself is gotten rid of.

Home remedies that will work to lighten the skin include rubbing a cut lemon on the area and regularly applying aloe vera gel. You can also take a slice or raw potato and rub it on your nose, and potato has mild bleaching properties. Another thing you can do is to mix yogurt with turmeric powder, gram flour, and sandalwood powder, and gently scrub your face with this mixture. To a large extent you will have to wait for your skin to return to its natural color on its own once the friction stops, but these remedies will speed up the process.

answered by G M

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