What are the side effects of incorrectly administered enemas?

An enema can be described as a procedure, in which liquid is introduced through the anus, into the large intestines, with the purpose of clearing out the bowels, by eliminating the stools. There are several people that may choose to take an enema or may be asked to take one by a doctor. Though rare, some people regard enemas as one of the remedies for constipation that can be administered at home, without the use of any laxative or medication. However, enemas are more commonly recommended by doctors, for those patients who are about to undergo a surgery or even a medical test.

One of the advantages of the enema is that it can be administered at home, by just about anybody. This means that the presence of a doctor is not required for giving a person an enema. However, it is highly recommended that the enema should only be given by people who are well versed with the procedures as well as the dos and don'ts. This is necessary because the side effects of enemas that have been administered incorrectly can be very severe. Therefore, it is best to have a medical expert (like a nurse) give a patient the enema. However, in some cases the enema can be given by others too and therefore, it is important to ensure that the proper hygienic measures are followed, so as to avoid any harmful enema side effects.

First of all, it is absolutely essential to ensure that the enema should never be shared by anybody. Even if people who belong to the same family end up sharing an enema on a single occasion, it could lead to some severely adverse enema effects. Another common problem that has been associated with the excessive use of the enema is dependency. This is one of the main reasons that people who are too used to taking an enema regularly cannot pass stools without taking one. Moreover, some of the common side effects that can be associated with the regular use of enema are cramps in the stomach, irritation in the rectal area, fluid overload, vomiting, severe diarrhea, reduced muscle tone in the anal sphincter and nausea.

There may be several water enema side effects that can be noticed too. In case the water used in the enema is not the right temperature, that is, if it is either too hot or too cold, it could lead to serious damage to the colon. In fact, this condition can be serious enough to also be fatal. There have also been reports of severe harm to a patient's colon and overall health, if too much water is allowed to enter the colon.

It is also absolutely essential to ensure that the equipment used to administer the enema is cleaned thoroughly and regularly. Lack of strict hygienic measures could leave traces of feces in the enema bag, which is the main cause of the development of bacterial cultures and infections. Even if the bag is well cleaned, but is not allowed to dry out properly, it could cause the bag to develop mildew, which will subsequently contaminate the water, the next time it is used.

There have also been several reports of people suffering from adverse side effects after using an enema. It is quite common for an incorrectly administered enema to cause bowel irritation as well as cramps. In fact, the use of scented soap and water after using an enema can have a negative effect on the body, which could be as severe as gangrene. Therefore, many doctors and health experts discourage the use of an enema even on a rare occasion. Health experts tend to advise people to use an enema alternative, such as home remedies for constipation instead.

Home remedies for constipation

The first step in treating constipation in the natural way is by increasing the intake of fiber in the diet. Foods that are rich in fiber push the intestines to absorb fluid more effectively, thereby adding bulk to the stools. Fiber is also known for softening the stools, which makes it a lot easier for the body to eliminate them. Fortunately, fiber is present in high quantities in many whole grains, beans, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Pear juice is especially known for its effectiveness in getting rid of constipation and therefore several health experts recommend eating one pear before breakfast, or an hour after dinner. Other fruits and vegetables that are good for constipation include papaya, grapes, guavas, figs, carrots and beetroots. One of the most common home remedies for constipation is the consumption of prunes. However, consuming more than the daily recommended dose of this fruit should be strictly avoided, as it could have an explosive effect on the body. People who suffer from constipation should strictly avoid foods that contain refined flour. Therefore their diet should contain only minimal amounts of cakes, pastries, while pasta, bread and other similar bakery items.

The best remedy to cure constipation is increasing the consumption of water. Drinking warm water throughout the day is especially helpful, since it enables the food in the digestive tract to move at a faster pace. To maximize the effectiveness of this home remedy, several people add a few drops of either lemon juice or honey to the water. Of course drinking other fluids may be helpful too. Most people are encouraged to drink fresh fruit juices, coconut water, warm milk and tea, in order to cure constipation.

The use of home remedies for constipation during pregnancy as also to treat constipation in children and infants becomes all the more necessary as they could be administered without the fear of major side effects. One must be particularly careful about the use of remedies for constipation while pregnant or even while administering remedies for constipation in babies.

The symptoms associated with an incorrectly administered enema and other adverse enema heath effects could range from mild to severe. However, it is essential to contact a doctor, if symptoms like rapid heart rate, unrelieved constipation, bleeding in the rectal area, a skin rash, weakness, dizziness, sweating or fainting are experienced soon after taking an enema. Moreover, even though the remedies for constipation mentioned above are fairly safe and can be used by most people, it is best to consult a doctor before trying out any of them. In case there is no improvement in the problem even after using a couple of the natural and home remedies for constipation, then it may be best to ask a doctor for medical treatment options for relieving the problem.

answered by G M

An enema is the process by which a large amount of water is introduced into the colon. The rectum is used to introduce the water in to the body. It is believed that this will help cleanse the colon. When you are given an enema, water is introduced into your body. This water stays in the lower part of your colon for some time. The person who is having an enema then experiences the urge to move his bowels. Enema is part of alternative medicine and is used by people who believe that the colon requires cleansing for its proper performance.

One of the major disadvantages of an enema is that it can be used by anyone. Very often we find that incorrectly administered enemas can cause more trouble. For example, given the intimate manner in which the enema equipment works, it should never be shared, even by the members of a family. It is when they are shared that the ill effects of enema are noticed. Sharing bags can lead to the passing of germs. This could well lead to illness and disease all of which will be blamed on the process of enema. Cleanliness of the enema equipment is equally important and if this is not adhered to carefully, it could well result in infections and illness and the development of bacteria cultures.

If the enema bags are not dried properly before they are put away, this too could lead to the development of not only cracks in the enema bag, but also the development of mildew in the bag. A partially dried enema bag, when it is packed away without being dried, provides the perfect opportunity for the development of mildew. The next time the bag is used, the water in the bag is contaminated by the mildew that has been growing inside the bag. People are often allergic to mildew. Similarly, an enema bag is likely to have some fecal matter in it. Unless it is cleaned thoroughly, this can prove to be really dangerous for the patient.

Another of the side effects of an enema is that when not administered properly they can even lead to the death of the patient. For instance, if the water used in an enema is too hot or cold, it can damage the colon. Similarly, if too much water is introduced into a person's colon, this could not only harm the colon of the patient, but also cause harm to his health.

answered by S C

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