Alternative Treatments For Acidity and Indigestion

How can I stop Increased saliva? It comes around 3-4 times a day. I have to vomit because the saliva comes from know where. I have to eat something bitter or sour to stop the vomit. Is there any medication for this problem?

The problem you are describing sounds like a very serious case of acute indigestion and extremely high acidity. Typically, if you are suffering from high acidity and acute indigestion, then every time you eat, your body will secrete excess bile. Post meals, this will rise up to your throat and make you throw out what you have eaten. The typical reason for this is that there is too much acid in your esophagus and it needs to be expelled. Eating sour or bitter foods makes you feel momentarily better, but this effect does not really last. That is because if it did, you would not be vomiting so frequently in a day. rather than medication, you can employ some easy and simple home remedies to take care of the situation you are in. the first thing you need to examine is your eating habits. If you are eating too much of oily, greasy, stale, fried or sweet food, then you should know that you are aggravating your situation. For the time being, you can stay away from all of this. One of the first things to do is to increase your intake of water drastically. If possible, sip from a bottle of cool water all day. Try to finish at least 8 to 10 one liter bottles of water daily. This will help you greatly, because water will dilute the acid that is being secreted by the body.

You can detoxify your body for better and more permanent results. Do this by drinking a minimum of four liters of buttermilk all day, one the first day. Make your own by adding half a liter of fresh yogurt to four liters of water and whipping this. Throw in a bit of rock salt and your drink for the day is all set. You will notice that you will no longer feel like throwing up by mid-day after drinking only this concoction. Towards the end of the day, eat dry toast or crackers if you feel hungry. Follow this the next day, but eat salad as well. You will notice that you are feeling better as well. And of course the saliva pooling in your mouth will stop at once. Slowly, start eating normal food, but avoid excessive oil, fat and spice. This will be of maximum help. Make sure you eat lots of fruit and drink lots of fresh fruit and vegetable juices, which will help you in your situation.

answered by M W

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