Home Treatments for Rashes

I am a 33 year old woman. I have developed a small rash on my face and so I am using tissue oil since yesterday. Can you please suggest me some natural home remedies?

Rashes often appear on our body as a reaction to various things. This could be caused by a new cream that you have used or else even a new soap that you have tried. In other cases this has been caused by pollution in the air and for still others the presence of insects can cause rashes to appear on the face and body. Your rash sounds very much like something that will eventually go away. However, your anguish and uncertainty are understandable.

One of the first things that I would advice you to keep your hands away form the rash. The situation would aggravate when you touch the rash and then touch your skin elsewhere. For this reason it is essential that you keep your hands away from your face. You should also use water to wash your hands several times.

You should also wash your face several times with water. Don't use hot water to wash your face. Instead use lukewarm water. After you have done this, don't rub hard while drying yourself. Instead gently pat yourself dry. If you have recently started using some cosmetic, then you should stop using this since it could be the cause for the appearance of the rash.

You can use a paste made of sandalwood paste and some rose water. This will soothe your skin and help the rash to go down. Apply this gently on the rash and leave it for at least an hour. You will find that keeping it on for an hour before washing it off helps reduce the rashes.

You can also try applying some olive oil on the rash since this can help bring it down. Aloe Vera gel is very effective in reducing rashes or swellings of any kind. You can apply this on the rash and go to bed. You will find that it has reduced in the morning.

In addition you will have to eat very simple food. Sometimes rashes can also be caused by something you ate. Try to avoid eating exotic food. Stick to eating simple, home cooked food. In particular you should stay away from chocolates and peanuts since eating these could cause the rash to appear.

Avoid using soap when you are bathing. Don't scratch or itch yourself when you have a rash. Use very mild soap sot that the skin on your face is not affected.

answered by G R

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