Is there a home remedy for Hyperhidrosis?

When your sweat glands get hyperactive and your body produces excessive sweat it is called as hyperhidrosis. This excessive sweating disorder can be treated effectively with home remedies. It might take a long time in certain cases but you can get the desired results. It generally affects the face, palms, armpits and feet. Strong emotions, stress and physical activity can cause the hyperactivity of the sweat glands leading to excessive sweating. It could also be cause due to obesity, menopause, overactive thyroid gland, gout, tuberculosis, injury of the spinal cord, nerve damage caused by diabetes and disorders of the immune system, infections or certain psychological disorders.

Wear pure cotton and linen clothing as this natural fabric allows your skin to breath thus controlling excessive sweating. It also absorbs excess sweat so it does not build up on your skin and thus prevents body odor.

Avoid smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol, as this will make your problem worse. Eat a healthy balanced diet to build a strong immune system. Avoid refined and processed foods and excessive oil and spice.

Try the 6 glass water therapy. Every morning once you wake up drink six glasses of water on an empty stomach. Do not gulp drink it slowly sitting in a cross legged position. This will hydrate your body, effectively flush out the toxins, and will help to maintain healthy functioning of your immune system. This will help to control the excessive sweating. You can also try some of the following treatments:

Take a quart of water and boil 5 teabags in it for 5 minutes. Once this mixture cools soak your hands and feet in it. The tannic acid found in tea has anti anti-perspirant properties that help control excessive sweating.

Make an infusion using dried sage leaves. Take one teaspoon of dried sage and allow it to steep in a cup of hot boiled water for about 15 to 20 minutes. Strain this mixture and drink it 3 to 4 times a day.

Soak in a rejuvenating bath. Add epsom salts to your bath and soak in it for some time. This not only helps to relax your mind and body but also refreshes your skin and helps control excessive sweating.

You could also use a cup of organic apple cider vinegar. Add it to your bath and soak in it for at least half an hour. This effectively kills the harmful bacteria, cleanses your skin and also greatly helps in reducing excessive sweating.

answered by G M

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