Treatment for itchy spots on face

what do i do if i have itchy spots all over my face? they are hardening up like cold sores!! its gross!! please help!

You can make a mask of thick oatmeal and apply to your face for 15 minutes. Another option is to make a thick paste of bentonite clay and water and apply to the itchy spots.

This may help to alleviate the itching but does not address the root cause of the problem. You need to determine why you are getting these spots and how to prevent new ones from forming.

answered by Dr C M N

Some home remedies to treat itchy spots on the face are: Applying a mixture of half teaspoon of plain sugar granules with any cleansing cream on the skin while rubbing it gently.Rub this mixture all over the face but concentrate more on the itchy spots. Rinse the face with water, alternate with hot and cold water.Another remedy is to apply a mixture of crushed almonds and two tablespoons of honey. Apply this granular paste for a few minutes and rinse with water.

answered by B C

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