Cracked heels often appear due to a loss of elasticity and moisture in the skin. This problem can be easily remedied if you use a few simple treatments. There are several cosmetic creams that promise to work wonders but most of these can actually cause more good than harm. These creams contain dyes and perfumes that can irritate the raw skin and actually increase your discomfort. This is why it is advisable to use homemade remedies for cracked heels ass they will not contain any such harsh chemicals.
You will have to follow a complete foot care regimen in order to effectively treat your cracked heels.
Pamper yourself with a home pedicure daily. Soak your feet in a tub of warm water to which a spoon of olive oil and a spoon of lemon juice have been added. Soak your feet for at least 20 minutes and then use a pumice stone to lightly scrape away the dead skin from your soles. Concentrate on the areas around the rim of your heels where the cracks are most prominent. Do not use too much pressure and do not try to get rid of all the dead skin on the first day of your pedicure as you may end up scrubbing your skin till it's raw. Soak your feet once more and then use an emery board meant for skin to smoothen out the skin on your heels. Lemon juice is a mild antiseptic and olive oil helps to moisturize and soften your skin.
After you have scrubbed your skin, you can apply a moisturizing lotion to your feet. Make your own nourishing and moisturizing night cream by mixing cucumber juice, carrot juice and almond oil. You can whisk this mixture so as to thicken it. Alternately, you can soak a handful of mustard seeds in a bowl of lukewarm water for a couple of hours. Drain out the excess water and crush the seeds so that you have a thick paste. Add a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil to this paste and mix it well. Apply this mixture to your feet for the night. Use a pair of old woolen socks to keep your moisturizer from staining your sheets. Unlike cotton, wool is not very absorbent and so it will not absorb your moisturizer.
The next morning rinse your feet with warm water and then apply a little almond and/or oil to your feet as a moisturizer. Repeat this regimen daily for a week to get rid of this problem. Once your skin is no longer cracked, follow this treatment once a month to ensure that your problem does not resurface.
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