Gum Infection Tips: How to cure gum infection?

I would strongly advise you to visit your dentist for an accurate diagnosis so as to enable you to begin the appropriate treatment. Gum infections should be treated promptly, as just like other dental problems neglect only leads to a worsening and extension of the condition. There are different types of gum infections like cavities and abscesses, irritated gums, and gum disease. I shall assume that you suffer from what is possibly the most common gum infection - gingivitis.

This common gum infection is the result of an over abundance of bacteria that launch an attack on the soft tissue of the mouth. While there are many methods to reserve gum disease, the success or worthiness of any treatment depends on the severity of your case and how appropriate a treatment can be found.

Swelling of the gums or a gingival swelling would indicate an initial swelling and redness of the gums. The gums tend to bleed very easily particularly while brushing the teeth. This condition is very common and generally involves a specific area of the gums surrounding a tooth or it could even include the entire gums. In addition, since you haven’t provided any details and have not consulted a dentist are you sure that this is a gum infection. Swelling of the gums, as seen in infections, can also be caused due to reactions such as a hypersensitivity to certain chewing gums, or as a reaction to certain medication and maybe even as the result of a kernel of popcorn being lodged in the gums.

If as you believe the problems you are afflicted with are caused as the result of a gum infection it would be wise or rather necessary to visit a dentist regularly. In addition here are some tips that can help you deal with the problem:

  • Avoid irritants to the gums like commercial mouthwashes, and alcoholic or tobacco products.
  • Swish your mouth with warm salt water in an effort to cleanse the mouth and reduce any risk of swelling.
  • Clove oil and cinnamon oil are both considered invaluable in the treatment of most oral or dental issues. You can try applying them onto the gums to treat the infection.
  • The natural balance of calcium and phosphorous in your diet can also affect the health of your gums. An excess intake of phosphorous from soft drinks and red meat, with inadequate calcium can upset the normal or desirable balance.

answered by S D

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