What are symptoms of a sinus infection?

Sinus infections are extremely common all over the world. Every medical professional has to deal with sinus problems and they are pretty easy to resolve and prevent. A sinus infection or sinusitis, as it is referred to medically, is a condition of inflammation that afflicts the sinuses and nasal passages. Sinus infections are problematic because they can cause a variety of symptoms and very often sinus infections can be chronic. This means that the condition can not be cured; only controlled. Sinus infections could also be acute.

Sinus infections are not a threat to life or serious risk as such, but can be extremely annoying and horribly discomforting. This of course can be explained easily as sinus infections cause headaches or pressure in the eyes, nasal area, cheeks, or one side of the head. Acute sinusitis affects the individual up to three times in a year and can last for up to eight weeks each time. Chronic sinusitis however, can occur a lot more frequently in a year, but each episode will last no longer than ten days.

The symptoms of acute sinusitis include:

  • There may be a thick yellowish or greenish discharge from either the nose or even down the back of the throat.
  • Congestion or obstruction of the nasal passage can cause difficulty in breathing though the nose.
  • You would also experience a swelling and some amount of pressure and tenderness around the eyes, nose cheeks and forehead.
  • It is not uncommon to experience stiffness and aches in the jaw and teeth.
  • Your sense of smell and taste may also be diminished.
  • Coughing could be worse at night.

Other more general symptoms of a sinus infection may include:

  • Pain in the ears
  • Soreness of the throat and halitosis or bad breath
  • Fatigue, mood swings, and irritability
  • Fever, dizziness, and nausea.

If the symptoms are mild self care measures can be adequate. Natural remedies and self care practices are in fact very effective against sinusitis infections and constitute the preferred treatment. This can also be attributed to the fact that it is a chronic condition and most of us are familiar with the dangers of long term usage of pharmaceuticals. Natural alternatives in the fields of aromatherapy, herbal medicine, acupressure and other disciplines can offer significant relief. Steam inhalation, which is recommended by conventional practitioners is in fact also a derivative from aromatherapy inhalation, which is possibly the most effective treatment for any respiratory ailment. Lifestyle changes are however vital as avoidance of known triggers is the only known preventive measure.

answered by S D

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