About cracked, chapped and dry lips

Dry and chapped lips is a very common problem as the skin on the lips is extremely thin and delicate. There are many possible causes for this excessive drying and chapping ranging from poor lip care to weather changes. Dust and pollution, excessive exposure to the sun, cosmetic products, poor dietary habits, and dehydration are also possible factors or contributors leading to this problem. Constant chapping can cause the skin on the lips to become thicker and darker. Dry lips are also prone to dry skin infections. It is therefore very important to care for your lips on a regular basis, to avoid this problem completely.

The first step that you will have to take to remedy this situation is to get rid of the excess thickened skin on your lips. However, you will have to do this very carefully as any excess pressure will cause your lips to crack and bleed. You will need to scrub your lips gently with a lip scrub to get rid of the excess skin. You can make your own walnut and almond scrub by soaking and then grinding a few of these nuts. You should have a thick but only slightly coarse paste. Apply this mixture to your lips and then slowly start massaging the mixture into your lips with circular motions. You can sit in front of a mirror when scrubbing your lips as this makes it a lot easier. If the skin on your lips has considerably thickened, you can first steam your lips to loosen the excess skin before you use the scrub. Alternatively, you can soak a thick cotton pad in warm water and place it over your lips for 20 minutes. Take the pad off and scrub your lips and you will find that the process of exfoliation is now much easier. Once your lips are soft and smooth you will have to moisturize them. Mix a drop each of coconut oil, olive oil and almond oil. Massage this mixture into your lips gently and allow it to soak into your skin. These oils contain healthy fatty acids that help to keep your lips soft. In addition to this, they also contain several nutrients that promote healthy skin. You should use this moisturizer before you goo to bed at night and when you wake up in the morning. Make sure that you clean your lips well of all cosmetic products before you go to bed and use a lip moisturizer with a high SPF if you are going to be out in the sun.

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