Home remedies for swollen toe nail problem

A swelling on around the toenails can be caused for various reasons – incorrect footwear, an infection, ingrown nail, accumulation of fluid around the nail tissue, blood clot, gout or edema. You must determine the cause of the swelling before starting any treatment to ensure that the condition is not aggravated. Foot Injuries, diabetes and allergies can cause conditions leading to swelling. Gout causes a build up of uric acid causing formation of crystals around the joints causing pain and swelling. Other reasons for swelling in the toenails include medicine side effects, disorders of the kidneys or liver, muscle injuries, serious disorders like arthritis, circulatory or nerve dysfunctions and heart failure. Thus a Doctor must be consulted to resolve any serious conditions.

If the swelling is caused by a mild condition then a few home remedies will help soothe the swelling and any mild pain. Epsom salt helps in reducing infection, thus soaking the affected part in warm water with Epsom salt is helpful. Hydrogen Peroxide also is a good agent to remove infection. Apply some hydrogen peroxideusing a piece of cotton and wrap the toe lightly with a cotton bandage. The swollen toe should be placed over a pillow while sleeping as it will reduce swelling. Also putting the feet up while sitting helps take the pressure off the toes and circulate blood flow. To reduce the swelling you can also apply an ice pack to the affected area. Swelling can also be caused by an ingrown toenail, which can be very painful and can get infected as well. In case you have an ingrown toenail, you can soak the toe in warm water with an antiseptic or some oil (coconut, lavender or tea tree oil) to reduce the inflammation. It will soften the nail enough for you to be able to lift it gently and apply an antiseptic cream.

If your salt intake is higher than required normally, it can also be the cause for the toe swelling. Thus limiting your salt intake until the swelling has reduced is recommended. Ill fitting shoes are also a major cause of foot injuries leading to swollen toenails. Make sure you wear comfortable open shoes to allow the toe to heal. To avoid disorders that cause swelling you should drink lost of water and exercise moderately. Walking to increase muscle activity is ideal. You may also want to check if any medication is causing the swelling and review intake accordingly.

answered by G M

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