I cannot digest anything what I eat. And little stomach pain also occurs

Digestion is the process where the food that we eat is broken down in order to use that what is essential for energy and storage and to pass whatever is waste out of the body. Digestion takes place in the stomach and intestines and is critical to good health. If you have trouble digesting foods, you are likely lose weight and will suffer from deficiencies of various vitamins and minerals that your body is not absorbing.

Digestion begins right in the mouth where food is chewed and the saliva is introduced into the food. The chewing helps to break down the food into smaller pieces that are easy to digest as well as stimulates the stomach to be ready to digest food.  The process of digestion is aided by various chemicals and enzymes in the body. It is also aided by bacteria that exist in the stomach. When any of these components is lacking your body may not be able to properly digest food.

It is likely that in your case you are digesting your food but it is causing you discomfort and the process does not lead to a smooth bowel movement. This could arise if you are suffering from a stomach infection. A stomach infection may affect the good bacteria in your stomach and agitate the stomach lining. This interferes with the proper digestion of food. Your doctor will be able to diagnose a stomach infection and treat you for it.

Digestive distress may also be caused by an improper diet. You may be eating food that is heavy, fatty, or containing complex carbohydrates. This makes it difficult for your stomach to deal with and can cause digestive distress. If you are consuming a large quantity of food at one time, you will be putting a strain on your stomach, causing it to improperly digest your food. Try and increase your intake of leafy vegetables, Fruits and whole grain foods. These are easier to digest than meat, dairy and white breads.

You can also try a pro biotic yogurt as a dietary supplement. Yogurt contains good bacteria that help with the process of digestion. If you have yogurt immediately after your meal you may be able to relive your symptoms. Dietary fiber is also necessary to make the flow of food in your digestive system more efficient. A high fiber diet is good for overall health and improved digestion.

answered by G M

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