How to make our eyeballs whiter?

Usually eye balls will be whiter for the people those who have proper food & habits. Moreover it depends upon the type of body constitution. People those who are predominant of kapha - oneof the three humours acording to Ayurveda & young children will have white eye balls. In cas of children also it is because of predominance of kapha during that period.

Some of th tips are

  • Application of 2-3 drops of pure castor oil to eyes regularly will make the eye balls clear.
  • Oil bath twice in a week will make eyes cool, which will help in the same.
  • Should avoid awakening at night for a long time, if some has the habit of of working at night also should be controlled.

answered by b

While there are no known home remedies to make eyeballs whiter, improving your health helps. Eyes which are not clear and white but have a yellowish tinge to them could indicate some underlying illness. Heavy drinkers are likely to have yellowish colored eyeballs.

Some tips to make eyeballs whiter:

  • Cut down on alcohol intake.
  • Eat a balanced diet and make sure to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your meals.
  • Drink plenty of water (about 8 glasses or more)
  • Make sure you have regular bowel movements. Include fiber rich foods in your diet.

answered by P P

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