Are there any remedies for frothy phlegm?

Phlegm is a very important part of the immune system as it plays a very prominent role in preventing certain types of infection from progressing any further. Phlegm is essentially a secretion of the mucous membranes that is concerned with trapping the causing irritants or infections of most respiratory illnesses and then getting them out of the body. Characteristics such as the texture and viscosity of the sputum can be of diagnostic value in identifying the causing factors of the illness. For example, white frothy phlegm will generally indicate that the infection is the result of a virus while comparatively thick, yellowish sputum may be indicative of a more serious medical ailment affecting the individual. In most cases phlegm, including frothy phlegm, will be a development that is the result of a rather long standing bronchial infection or incessant irritant. The more common irritants include tobacco smoke, dirt, dust as well as general atmospheric pollution. These irritants affect the bronchial mucosa in most cases and are known to be more commonly felt during the middle and adult periods of a person's life. For unknown reasons, men are known to be more susceptible than women.

Getting rid of frothy phlegm will require proper diagnosis of the causing factors. Once this has been established, it is much easier to identify what steps will be more effective. However, certain steps will always prove to be beneficial no matter the root cause. Smoking, for example, should be stopped as it is always going to cause a significant amount of irritation to the individual. Moreover, steam inhalation is always beneficial, but one should be careful so as to avoid scalding his or her already sensitive nostrils.

Because the condition of frothy phlegm is such a common condition all over the world, there are a number of rather effective home remedy treatments that are considered to be very beneficial. For example, you could try boiling a handful of ginger leaves, a teaspoon of ginger as well as black pepper powder; in one and a half cups of water. Allow it to boil until only half of the solutions original volume remains and consume the potion three times a day for best results. Another very effective home remedy is to extract the juice from a piece of ginger and mix in equal quantities of honey that should be consumed three times a day. Your diet is of prime importance and you should always make sure to avoid foods that are sour or have any curd content.

answered by G M

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