How to treat migraine due to contraceptive pills

Migraine is referred to as a medical condition in which a severe headache is experienced on one side of the head and in some rare cases, on both the sides. Usually, the headache is very severe in nature, and sometimes it can be unbearable. It can occur in the people of any age. Women are more prone to migraine headaches than men. You may be thinking that what causes migraines in women. The most common cause is the use of oral contraceptive pills, and in the later stages, it may also occur due to menopause. There are mainly two types of migraines. In the first type of migraine, vision remains normal when the migraine headache starts developing. In the other type of migraine, the patient experiences some sort of dark spots or flashes of light when the migraine headache begins to develop. The exact cause of migraine headache is not known, but it has been found that it could be triggered due to any of the following reasons:

  • Physical strain or emotion stress is one of the major causes of migraine headaches in most migraine patients.
  • Excessive intake of alcohol or excessive smoking.
  • Sleep disorders such as frequent changes in patterns of sleep or lack of sleep.
  • Certain cosmetics and perfumes.
  • Undue loud noise and even bright lights can trigger migraine in some cases.
  • Fasting or often skipping the meals and irregular pattern of eating meals.
  • Eating foods that are rich in tyramine, such as chicken liver, smoked fish, older cheese, and red wine.
  • Menstrual disorders in women such as irregular or painful periods.
  • Use of oral contraceptive pills. Some women tend to suffer from migraines during the use of oral contraception, while some of the women have migraines after using oral contraception. This happens due to change in the levels of the hormone estrogen.
  • Other causes of migraine include disorders of the digestive system such as constipation, indigestion, and acidity.

The common symptoms of migraine are severe and throbbing headache on one side, pain behind one eye and around the ear on the same side, feeling uncomfortable in the environment with bright lights and/or loud sounds, and feeling nausea. Diagnosing the triggers of what causes migraines in a particular person is very important; however, it does take some time to identify these migraine triggers. If you are a woman and suffer from migraines, you should try to identify if the migraine symptoms and the oral contraception that you use have any relation. Recent studies show that migraines and birth control pills do have a relation as these pills are responsible for reducing the levels of estrogen in the body and that could result in the triggering of a migraine headache. Once it is identified that migraine usually occurs after taking an oral contraceptive, the best treatment would be that you discontinue taking oral pills and opt for some other contraceptive methods.

If, however, you choose to continue with the oral pills, you can use any of the following method to control your migraines at the same time:

  • Consume supplements that keep the hormonal balance maintained in your body;
  • Change the birth control pills that you use with some other ones;
  • Change the cycle of the consuming the contraceptive pills; and
  • Perform yoga for migraine.

You can also drink one glass of grape juice in the morning as it has been proven to be an effective natural remedy for curing migraine headaches. You can also drink juice extracts of spinach and carrots in equal quantities. Drinking one glass of this juice with breakfast is very helpful in the treatment of migraine while consuming oral contraceptives. However, it is best to avoid migraine treatment and the use of oral contraception at the same time to prevent any further complications.

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