It is important to trace the reason for relapse of your urinary tract infection. Visit a specialist to know the exact cause and the treatment will follow accordingly. Try these simple cures for urinary tract infection until then -
- Never hold back the urge to urinate. In fact increase the fluid consumption in the form of boiled water, barley water, fruit juices, or coconut water. The extra fluid will help in flushing and diluting the unwanted substances (toxins) from your body.
- Mix apple juice with cranberry juice. Cranberry juice is very effective in fighting this infection.
- Avoid artificial sweeteners, cheese, chocolates, spicy, oily foods, alcohol, beer, soda and carbonated drinks.
- Create an alkaline environment in the bladder by consuming more milk, fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Wear cotton panties and avoid tight fitted clothes.
answered by S P