Advice on sinus and pregnancy

Is it dangerous to have sinus while pregnant?

Nasal congestion is quite common during pregnancy, as the mucus linings of the nose become swollen. This occurs due to an increased production of estrogen in the body. This can also lead to an excess production of mucus. Other hormonal levels also rise during pregnancy. The blood vessels begin to enlarge as the blood content in the body increases. This could also contribute to swelling of the nasal membranes. This condition is known as rhinitis of pregnancy, and takes place without any triggering factors such as viral infections or allergic reactions. It is common during the second month and can persist until the delivery, and also for a few days after that.

Sinusitis is fairly common during pregnancy due to the congestion, and as such, it is not a cause for worry. You need to check if there any other symptoms present. If there is an accompanying sore throat, sneezing, coughing or swollen glands, then it could indicate that you have a cold or another viral infection. If you are experiencing itchiness in the eyes and repeated sneezing, it could be a sign of an allergy. But if there are none of these additional symptoms present, then the congestion could just be due to rhinitis of pregnancy.

Here are some remedies that you can try out for relief from sinusitis. Saline drops help to thin out the mucus and make it flow easily. You can make these drops at home by mixing a quarter of a teaspoon of common salt to about eight ounces of water. Using a dropper, place the drops in both nostrils. This can be done at regular intervals during the day, to get relief from the congestion. Sleeping in a position that is elevated will help to drain the sinus cavities and reduce the stuffiness in the nose. This can be done by using pillows to raise the upper body. Steam helps to alleviate blocked sinuses and drain out the mucus secretions. Take a large pan of hot water and inhale the steam arising from it, by placing a towel around your head to prevent the steam from escaping. Do this inhalation for about fifteen minutes. Make sure to keep a safe distance from the water in order to avoid getting burnt. A humidifier can also be used in the room to moisten the air. This aids in mucus drainage. It is also important to consume a diet that is high in vitamin A content, as this helps to strengthen the membranes of the throat and nose.

answered by G M

Advice on sinus and pregnancy

  1. No it's not risky to suffer from sinus during pregnancy, but care must be taken.
  2. Sinuses have infections which can go through the blood stream into the system thereby affecting the fetus at large.
  3. Take some homeopathic or home remedies.
  4. In homeopathy you can take pulsatilla 30 5 pills once at bed time daily, for 10 nights.
  5. Drink 1/2 cup milk daily to which 1/2 tsp turmeric has been added.
  6. Practice yoga pranayam specially anulom vilom daily early in the morning for 15 minutes.

answered by D M K

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