Does palpitation mean having a thyroid problem?

The thyroid is a miniscule but important organ placed below the neck. The thyroid gland produces various hormones that enhances and balances our well being. The thyroid hormones control metabolic activities and organ functions such that it directly affects heart rate, energy levels, weight gain or loss, menstrual regularity, cholesterol levels, memory and skin condition. The thyroid is also dependent on various factors such as stress, heredity and other conditions that cause the thyroid gland to slow, stop or dysfunction.

Thyroid problem is common among an estimated 59 million Americans (2008) and most of whom are unaware. A thyroid problem manifests itself through various signs and symptoms such as: depression, hair loss, infertility, anxiety, panic attacks, heart disease, obesity and a host of other health problems. Palpitations need not necessarily point to a thyroid problem but a TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) blood test should help you diagnose if there is any need to worry. It is important for anybody over 35 years of age to take the test and continue to take the test after a gap of few years.

Some basic signs and symptoms that indicate that thyroid problems are making way into your system are: changes in hair or skin such as unusual hair loss or dry scaling skin, enlargement of the neck, muscle and joint aches, menstrual irregularities, fertility problems, bowel problems or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), heredity or genetic factors, rise in cholesterol levels despite control, anxiety and depression and a perennial feeling of weakness or fatigue. Such symptoms call for medical attention and professional advice to help treat the disorder. Thyroid cancers are globally rising over other types of cancers such as lung and breast cancers especially among women.

Some simple techniques can help tackle the onset of the disease. Primarily, it is important to understand the damage such a disorder can do to the system. De- stress and practice relaxation methods such as yoga, meditation or cultivate any hobby to help ease the pressures of daily living. Adequate exercise routine is also beneficial in keeping stress at health disorders at bay. Walking, jogging, swimming or a round of your favorite sport should help in keeping you away from contracting any disorders unless they are hereditary. Food intake is another important yet neglected aspect. Pay attention to your diet and ensure you eat the right foods. Choose healthy foods over tasty foods to energize your body and live life better.

answered by G M

There are innumerous reasons for developing Palpitation. It could be intense fear of something, strenuous physical exertion, a thyroid problem, a heart problem, lung problem, side effect of a medication such as blood pressure medication or anything else.

Read more about palpitation on our website:

Try to remain calm and as stress free as possible. Consult a doctor if your concerns are still not addressed.

answered by P P

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