Dry eyes are a very common problem that occurs when a person's tears do not provide an adequate amount of moisture for the eyes. There could be several dry eyes causes in people, due to which their eyes either do not produce an adequate amount of tears, or the quality of tears is quite poor. This problem can cause a lot of discomfort, as they could make the eyes sting or burn. It is very common for all people to experience dry eyes at some point or the other, especially if they are sitting in front of a computer screen or when they are on a flight. People who spend a lot of time indoors, in an air-conditioned room may also suffer from chronic dry eyes. Fortunately, it is quite possible to get comfort by undergoing dry eye treatment, just by using eye drops or making a few simple lifestyle changes. Although rare, there are some people who may need to undergo surgery, for dry eyes relief.
In most instances, the signs and symptoms of dry eyes affect both the eyes. Given below are some of the common dry eyes symptoms:
- A scratchy, burning or stinging sensation in the eyes
- The presence of stringy mucus in and around the eyes
- Eye irritation, which increases because of wind or smoke
- Fatigue in the eyes after short bouts of reading
- Increased sensitivity to light
- Difficulty in wearing on contact lenses
- Blurry vision, which can worsen during the end of the day.
It is best for people to consult a doctor if they experience dry eyes symptoms with a headache, for a long period of time. However, in order to treat the condition, the doctor may first need to determine what the exact dry eyes causes are.
Causes and Cures
Dry eyes could occur when either there is an inadequate production of tears in the eyes, or when the tears are of a poor quality. There are several factors that could be responsible for both these problems. Given below are some of the most common causes of itchy dry eyes:
- An imbalance in the composition of the eyes or damage in the tear glands, due to radiation or inflammation
- Concentrating on tasks like driving, reading or working at the computer
- Deficiency of vitamin A in the body
- Environmental factors like excessive wind, pollution, smoke and high altitudes
- Eyelid infections or problems, which include ectropion (out-turned lids) or entropion (in-turned lids)
- Having undergone a recent eye surgery
- Medical conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, thyroid problems and lupus, scleroderma.
- The use of certain medications, like birth control pills, antidepressants, pain relievers, decongestants, antihistamines and so on.
It is also possible for people to experience itchy dry eyes due to allergies. In case the dryness last for a brief span of time or is a one-time occurrence, doctors usually advise people to use over the counter eye-drops, or home remedies. However, in case the problem is recurrent, then dry eye treatment which is natural may not be very effective and people may need to undergo medical treatment, for which the exact cause of the dryness will need to be determined.
In case the dryness is caused by certain medication, the doctor may ask the patient to stop using that medication for a while, or may suggest alternatives. If the problem is caused by an inflammation in the eyelids, then medication is prescribed to first treat the inflammation. Some doctors may also advise people to wear a special contact lens to protect the surface of the eye. This can trap the moisture close to the eyes, thereby relieving dry eyes symptoms. Therefore, all instances of chronic dry eyes should be checked and treated by a doctor.
answered by G R