Remedies for sweaty hand
There are some options by way of natural remedies to stop the sweating in your palms. These are very effective, especially if you have particularly smelly hands. The first thing a person who perspires freely must always do is stop eating onions and garlic. The odour of these two very strong foods is always released in perspiration, so it is best to avoid them altogether. It is also better to avoid foods that are heat-causing in nature, so that you perspire less altogether. These would include meat, fried and spicy foods and rich foods. In order to reduce the clamminess due to the presence of constant moisture in your hands, you should use alcohol-based wipes to wipe them every now and then. If these are not available, keep a bottle of simple cologne concentrate at hand and rub a few drops together in your palms every other hour or so. The alcohol will help in drying out your skin to some extent. The other thing you can also do is soak your hands in a tub of water with three or four tea bags thrown in. This will take away the odour, if there is any. Make it a point to eat foods that are astringent in nature, such as pineapple and pomegranate. You can also apply the juices of these to your hands.
answered by G R